
This section describes symptoms of installation and configuration problems and how to correct or avoid them.

This is not a list of "Known Issues" or "Workarounds" (see the Readme for that), but rather an aide to troubleshooting common configuration issues.

ERROR: "Please Contact Your Administrator" Message Appears on Forms

If you experience a problem where the message Please Contact Your Administrator keeps appearing on various forms, it is likely that a report that is being used in an embedded report widget is missing. This will cause the error to appear, and not be cleared for a period of time, thus appearing on other pages. The solution is to make sure all reports exist and that the widgets are properly calling them.

To check that the reports are set up correctly:

  1. In the user environment view an item (almproj, ram, etc).

  2. View each tab that has an embedded report.

To create a report with a reference name:

  1. Go to the process application (in the SBM user environment) where the report lives (For example, if the report is All CR's in a Project then you want the CR tab.)

  2. Click Reports in the bottom left.

  3. Click on Browse application reports.

  4. Find the name of the missing report. For example, for CR's associated to a Project look for "CRs associated to this project".

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Click Save As.

  7. Copy and paste the reference name from the comment into the Reference Name field.

  8. Give the report a unique name. For example, change "CRs" to "CR(s)".

  9. Save the report.

PROBLEM: Project Manager in ALM Project Cannot See Requirements or Transition Requirements Approval Management Workflows

Users fulfilling the role of Project Manager in ALM Projects must also have at least the Viewers role in Requirements Approval Management.

For information on assigning roles, see Assign Roles.

PROBLEM: User Cannot View Requirements Associated to ALM Project or Dev CR

All users who need to view requirements must have at least the Viewers role in Requirements Approval Management.

For information on assigning roles, see Assign Roles.

PROBLEM: RM to RQM Connector Process App Fails

Possible causes include:

See Create a Service User and Edit RM Server Connections.

PROBLEM: Requirements Approval Failed to Link to a Dimensions RM Requirements Document Version (Snapshot).

If communication with the Dimensions RM server is lost during the creation of a Requirements Approval (after retrieving the list, but before clicking OK), the Requirements Approval will be created without an association to a requirements document.