The Serena Requirements Manager suite is composed of Serena Dimensions RM, Serena Requirements Control, and Serena Prototype Composer. As part of Serena's overall Orchestrated Application Lifecycle Management (O-ALM) framework, Requirements Manager integrates with other Serena suites like Development and Release Manager.
Serena Requirements Manager consists of the following components:
Requirements Control (powered by SBM): A set of process applications implemented on Serena Business Manager to provide high-level project management and requirements review/approval capabilities:
ALM Projects: A process application to track projects through the various workflow states of planning, development, testing, and release.
› Used by project managers.
Requirements Approval: A process application to propose, review, comment on, edit, and approve/reject collections of requirements in Dimensions RM.
› Used by business analysts and requirement approvers.
RM to RQM Connector: A process application to facilitate interactions between Dimensions RM and SBM.
› Used behind the scenes by Requirements Manager itself.
Serena Dimensions RM: An enterprise-wide requirements solution that allows the creation, editing, organization, and reporting on of requirement data.
› Used by business analysts.
Serena Prototype Composer: A powerful application planning, modeling and prototyping environment that non-technical business users can use to visually define their application needs, including business processes, activities, user interfaces, requirements, and data. It makes it easy to plan, model and rationalize business applications before beginning their development.
› Used by business analysts.
Serena Dashboard (optional): A powerful, highly configurable reporting solution built on the IBI WebFocus platform. With Serena Dashboard, you can build dashboards of graphs that provide precisely the information you, your managers, and your executives need, when they need it.
› Used across the enterprise.