A task contains some combination of three elements: duration, work, and units.
Duration defines the total length of time required to complete a given task,
measured by a task's start and finish dates. Work defines the total amount of labor
that is needed to complete a given task. Units defines the resource (or resources)
assigned to complete a given task. You can change a task's type:
- Fixed Duration A task where the values for the task's start and
finish dates are fixed values. Changes to a task's units or work will not
affect fixed duration. For a task with a fixed duration task type, work will
be recalculated when units or duration values are revised and units will be
recalculated when work is revised.
- Fixed Work A task where the value for the work to be completed is a
fixed value. Changes to a task's units or duration values will not affect
fixed work. For a task with a fixed work task type, duration will be
recalculated when units or work values are revised and units will be
recalculated when duration is revised.
- Fixed Units Default. A task where the value for the resource (or
resources) assigned to the task is a fixed value. Changes to a task's work
or duration values will not affect fixed units. For a task with a fixed
units task type, duration will be recalculated when units or work values are
revised and work will be recalculated when duration is revised.
To edit the task type for a task