
This table contains some internal structures for maintaining timesheets. In addition, it contains the key for getting from the timesheet entry to the task, work item, or activity allocation.

Column Data Type Description
tsl_UID int A unique identifier. Every record in the table has a unique ID.
obj_AssignmentGUID uniqueidentifier This identifier ties a line item to an obj_VersionIndependentUID in either the PES_ProjectAssignment, PES_WorkItemAssignment or PES_ResourceAllocation tables.
This table can be used as an intermediary table to get from the timesheet entry to the appropriate assignment. The assignment can be to a task, work item, or activity. The GUID is found in each of the corresponding tables. For example:
SELECT assn.obj_Name AS Task, tdp.tsl_Date, tdp.tsl_Hours
FROM PES_TimesheetDetailsPending tdp JOIN PES_TimesheetLineItem tli ON tdp.tsl_UID=
assn.obj_VersionIndependentUID WHERE (tdp.tsl_Date > '2006-01-01' AND tdp.tsl_Date< '2006-
tli.tsl_UID LEFT OUTER JOIN PES_ProjectAssignment assn ON tli.obj_AssignmentGUID=
12-31' AND assn.prv_Published = 1)