
This table contains data for the various configurable log items.

Column Data Type Description
obj_UID int A unique identifier. Every record in the table has a unique ID. It will be used often in JOIN statements to retrieve related information.
obj_OwningInvestment int The ID of the item to which the log belongs.
cls_UID smallint Identifies the log type of a particular row entry. The log types appears in the PES_Class table.
obj_Name nvarchar(100) The name of a particular log item.
obj_LastChange datetime The last time the object was changed by a user or the system (includes system).
obj_BinData image Contains all the custom attribute data for an item. This data is stored in binary and requires a macro to extract it.
obj_Description ntext The description of a particular item.
obj_LastChangeBy int The ID of the user who last changed the object (includes system).
obj_LastUserChangeDate datetime The last time the object was changed by a user (excludes system).
obj_LastUserChangeBy int The ID of the user who last changed the object (excludes system).
usr_AssignedTo int The ID of the user that this particular log item has been assigned to.
obj_LogStatus int The ID of the list item value that indicating the current status of a log item.
obj_LogPriority int The ID of the list item value indicating the current priority of a log item.

All attributes above can be accessed without a macro as they are predefined fields in the system. However, custom attributes must be accessed via the macro. In addition, list items will be automatically resolved without the need for a further table lookup when using the macro.

There are different log types just as there are different item types. To group your returns by specific log types, you can order by log type using the cls_UID.

SELECT * FROM PES_MACRO_CONFIGURABLE_LOG(log, obj_OwningInvestment = 281
AND cls_UID = 10, Description, obj_LogPriority, obj_LogStatus)