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Serena Service Manager 2.0.0 Readme
This readme file contains information about this release. Last updated on 2011-07-28.


About this Release

Welcome to Serena Service Manager 2.0.0. This new release of Service Manager includes features such as Knowledge Management and Request Fulfillment. Refer to the What's New tab for a complete list of features. Please note the following important information:

  • Before installing Service Manager, you must install and configure SBM 2009 R4.02 as described in the Serena® Business Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • Service Manager 2.0.0 is available both on-premise and on-demand. The on-premise version of Serena Service Manager installs the components using solution files, which are imported and promoted to your environment. This differs from previous versions of Serena Service Manager, which was installed by importing a sample database that included all of the Serena Service Manager components.
  • Service Manager 2.0.0 supports new installations—you do not need to install a previous version before installing this version. If this is a new installation, download Service Manager 2.0.0 from http://www.serena.com/support and then follow the instructions in the Serena Service Manager Installation and Configuration Guide to install Service Manager for the first time.
  • Service Manager 2.0.0 is available in English only.
  • For customers performing an upgrade, please be aware that the installation process for Service Manager has changed with version 2.0.0. For information about upgrading your current version of Service Manager, see the Serena Service Manager Installation and Configuration Guide.

What's New

The following features and changes are new in Service Manager.

Request Center

Request Center is the new portal for Service Manager end users. Through Request Center, end users can access important and pertinent information quickly, without having to learn how to navigate the User Workspace.

Request Center provides the ability to browse the Service Catalog, view submitted requests, and search for Knowledge Center articles. From the Service Catalog, users can submit requests into applications or access specific URLs as determined by the IT Administrator. The Requests view allows end users to view items that they have submitted, alerting them if any item requires action such as adding information. Request Center allows users access to articles within Knowledge Center.

Knowledge Center

Knowledge Center is a new knowledge base feature included with Service Manager. Users access Knowledge Center through the Request Center portal, including receiving IT announcements and searching Knowledge Center articles.

Knowledge Center announcements appear to all users in the announcements bar when they log in to Request Center. These announcements alert users to important IT events, such as possible outages. Announcements reduce the number of service requests since the alert may answer common questions that end users have.

End users can also become self-sufficient by accessing the articles within Knowledge Center. From the Knowledge Center view in Request Center, users can search the Knowledge Center for related articles. Users can then comment and rate the articles that they find, giving IT feedback on which articles are being consumed and which articles may need to be rewritten for clarity.

Both the Knowledge Center articles and announcements are managed with the Knowledge Management process app.

Knowledge Management

The new Knowledge Management process app manages your Knowledge Center articles and announcements.

The Knowledge Management workflow lets you track new knowledge base articles as they receive the necessary approvals before being published for public viewing. This process ensures that items receive the appropriate reviews before being seen by end users. If an existing article requires edits, these edits receive the same scrutiny as they progress through the same Knowledge Management workflow.

Knowledge Management also provides the ability for IT departments to create announcements that appear to end users in Request Center. The announcements are used for important notices that will only apply for a limited time, after which they are automatically removed from the display.

Request Fulfillment

Request Fulfillment is a new Service Manager process app for managing service requests. Service requests are a request for a service to be provided, such as a request for a new laptop or a request for information. Service requests differ from incidents, because they are not accompanied by a service interruption.

Service requests may be entered by users directly or they may be spawned from an incident. For example, a user may open an incident because applications are not responding. Upon investigation, IT finds that a user's machine has run out of disk space, so IT opens a service request to add a new hard drive to the user's machine.

Requests that an end user submits can be accessed from the Requests view within Request Center. Users can add any additional information necessary to the request directly from Request Center.

Risk Calculator

The Change Management application now includes the Risk Analysis calculator. The Risk Analysis calculator includes a risk survey form, where information is gathered about the extent of the risk this change poses. Based on the responses to the survey, the inherent risk is calculated for the change. The Risk Calculator survey is easily modified to meet your company's risk model. The calculated risk appears on the Risks tab when viewing a change.

The Risk dashboard uses the results in the Risk Calculator to help change management staff monitor the risk of upcoming changes. The dashboard includes a report that shows the ratio of RFCs that have completed surveys compared to those that do not.

Solution Files

The Service Manager solution is now delivered as solution files that are imported and promoted using SBM Application Administrator. The new solution file delivery method allows all components of the solution, such as notifications and reports, to be included when you import and promote the solution.

Previous versions of Service Manager required that on-premise installations start with the sample database provided with Service Manager. The sample database was the only way to receive the reports and notifications included with Service Manager.

2009 R4.02 Enhanced Functionality

The following features which were made available in Serena Business Manager R4.02 are incorporated in this new release of Service Manager:

  • The Application Names have been changed in SBM Composer. The names now have an SSM prefix. This prevents possible naming collisions with existing applications. This change will not affect upgrades to existing installations, because the internal ID remains the same.
  • The transition buttons that appear on transition and state forms have been updated to make use of the transition control feature. The transition buttons in Service Manager are no longer unique images. The button text is now automatically updated when you modify the transition name within SBM Composer.
  • The ability to add and edit relationships has been updated to use the Editable Grid, which allows users to submit or modify relationships in a grid layout directly from the Relationships tab.
  • The Post Problem and Merge Incident transitions in Incident Management have been implemented using an Any to Any transition with decision nodes.
  • Embedded reports and the Relationship Explorer have been changed to make use of the sub-relational IDs. These IDs eliminated the need for orchestrations which monitored changes to the auxiliary tables and then updated a field within the primary table with a new auxiliary item IDs when new auxiliary items were added. Both the orchestrations and fields have been removed from the solution.

Known Issues

This section describes known issues for this release.

  • Users receive an error when they click the Spell Check icon on forms opened from the Request Center portal. To work around this problem, use the browser's built-in spell checker.
  • Application Administrator generates an error if two users attempt to import a solution file at the same time. If this occurs on an on-premise system, verify that one of the import attempts succeeded, and then use the files extracted from this solution to complete your solution installation. On-demand customers should re-import the solution.
  • Roles may not be automatically assigned if you promote snapshots extracted from your Serena Service Manager solution with the Merge Conflicts check box cleared on the Promotion Entities dialog box in Application Administrator. To work around this problem, always select the Merge Conflicts check box when you promote snapshots extracted from solution files.
  • After you perform the Serena Service Manager install, an invalid role (KnowledgePoint) appears in the Roles tab in the SBM System Administrator. This role is not usable and can be ignored.
  • The search feature in the Request Center is case sensitive on Oracle systems. You must use the exact case in the search string in order to return results.
  • The HTML Editor may not function immediately after clearing the browser cache, causing the text fields in a Knowledge Management article to not be editable. This problem only occurs in FireFox 3.x browsers. To work around this problem, upgrade to a later version of FireFox or restart the browser and attempt to edit the article again.
  • If you use the sample database with SBM and you install Serena Service Manager, the SBM System Administrator and the SBM User Workspace display two versions of the Issues and Incidents tables. To work around this problem, launch SBM Composer, open the Issue Defect Management and Incident Management process apps that are packaged with the sample database, change the Table name value, and redeploy the process apps.
  • The text in the Details frame overlaps the item view when you click Details in an item's State Change History. This problem only occurs in FireFox 3.x browsers.
  • In the Change Management and Problem Management applications, the submit forms describe how to tag keywords by preceding the desired keyword with a hash mark. This format is for use with the Tag Cloud report that is not included with Serena Service Manager 2.0.0. Therefore, these instructions can be ignored for this release and should be deleted from the forms. For more information on the Tag Cloud report, contact Professional Services.
  • A user with the Contributor role can access the Send for Review transition when an article is in the Suggested Edits state, even though he or she is not the owner of the article. To work around this problem, open the Knowledge Management application in SBM Composer, edit the transition, and remove Contributors under Restrict by Role.
  • Certain features are not available via the Editable Grid, such as the calculation that is normally preformed automatically on the Priority field. This occurs because forms (including Submit) contain scripts that perform the calculation. This script is not invoked when you execute the Submit transition using the Editable Grid. Similarly, you cannot publish Knowledge Center articles using the Editable Grid because scripts are not invoked from the Editable Grid.