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Serena Business Manager 2009 R4.02 Readme
This readme file contains information about this release. Last updated on 2011-07-25.


About this Release

SBM 2009 R4.02 supports new installations—you do not need to install a previous version before installing this version. If this is a new installation, download version 2009 R4.02 from http://www.serena.com/support and then follow the instructions in the Serena® Business Manager Installation and Configuration Guide to install SBM for the first time.

SBM 2009 R4.02 supports two different upgrade paths. If you have installed SBM 2009 R3 or later, follow the steps in Minor Upgrades to upgrade to 2009 R4.02. If you have not already upgraded to version 2009 R3 or later, you can upgrade directly to 2009 R4.02 from most previous versions. If you have not yet upgraded to at least 2009 R3, follow the steps in solution S138037 to perform the upgrade to 2009 R4.02.

SBM 2009 R4.02 is available in English only.

Terminology Changes

The following terminology and component name changes have been made since the release of SBM 2009 R3.
Note: If you are upgrading from TeamTrack, refer to the Moving to Serena® Business Manager guide for terminology changes from TeamTrack to SBM.
Old Term New Term
Serena Business Mashups Serena® Business Manager or SBM
mashup process app
Mashup Server SBM Server
Configuration Utility SBM Configurator
Mashup Composer SBM Composer
Mashup Manager SBM Application Administrator
Mashup Administrator SBM System Administrator
Web interface SBM User Workspace
Mashup Repository SBM Application Repository
Mashup Script SBM AppScript
Mashup Registry AppCentral™
mashup tool event definition
mashup event event
Note: Systems created beginning with 2009 R4 include a Global Process App. In systems created before 2009 R4, the Global Process App is referred to as the Global Mashup.

Supported Configurations

The supported configurations for 2009 R4.02 are identical to those published for 2009 R4. Detailed information about supported platforms and software configuration is available in the Supported Platform Matrix.

Web Services

The latest Web service calls can be found in the sbmappservices72 and sbmadminservices72 WSDLs. All TeamTrack Web services and earlier SBM Web services (ttwebservices, aewebservices70, and aewebservices71) are still compatible with this release. However, these WSDLs have been deprecated and will not contain any of the new calls or parameters found in sbmappservices72 and rel. For new Web service implementations, use these new WSDLs.

Build Numbers

The following component build numbers apply to 2009 R4.02:

  • SBM User Workspace: 2009 R4.02 Build 134
  • SBM Composer: 2009 R4.02 Build 090
  • SBM System Administrator: 2009 R4.02 Build 134
  • SBM Application Administrator: 2009 R4.02 Build 86
  • SBM Configurator: 2009 R4.02 Build 32
  • Database version: 904020702

What's New

Join Reports

Listing reports now include join conditions, which let you create reports that span across multiple applications or auxiliary tables. Your report can display data from related primary applications and secondary applications. For example, you can run a report that displays the contact information for customers who opened items in your IDM applications. The data is taken from the contacts auxiliary table where the customer is defined. To use this type of report, create a Listing report with a join condition that shows all the details for related contact information (even though the details are stored in the auxiliary table).

Editable Grid

The Editable Grid has been enhanced to include multiple new features, including:
  • Column headers are now adjusted to better fit the viewable area. This reduces the need to scroll horizontally when there are long column headers.
  • The ability to scroll within a cell is now available for attachments, memo, and journal fields.
  • Improved font scalability across the Editable Grid, including all popups (such as Add File).
  • The item action has been added to Edit All Fields in an item. This action displays a popup that contains all the item's fields, enabling you to edit the field values.

Occasional User

Users with Occasional User product access can now modify their user profile settings. This enables them to subscribe to notifications and set SBM User Workspace preferences. Occasional users can also be granted privileges to view all field sections for items they submitted.

SBM Composer

  • Sub-Relational fields can now be used to create rule expressions based on fields in different tables, applications, or process apps. The rule expressions are evaluated and used to determine how items are routed in application workflows.
  • The Design tab of the Ribbon has a new application workflow View Mode section with the following three modes:
    • Presentation shows icons on states and transitions that represent design elements that have relationships with the states and transitions. You can click or double-click an icon to view or edit the properties of the design element, and hover over an icon for a form or orchestration workflow to see a thumbnail image of the form or workflow.
    • Relationships shows the Relationships bar, which contains visual cues that instantly demonstrate the relationship between the application workflow and the design elements it references. You can open the editor and Property Editor for a design element directly from the Relationships bar and make changes without having to navigate to them from App Explorer.
    • Properties shows icons on states and transitions to indicate that certain properties are set. You can click or double-click an icon to view or edit the corresponding properties in the Property Editor.
  • The new Embedded Report widget allows you to embed an SBM report in a custom form. If you obtain a report reference name and URL from the SBM User Workspace and then use the URL to configure the widget in SBM Composer, the report will still work after you promote the process app containing the report to other environments.
    Note: Because the Embedded Report widget allows portability, it is recommended that you use it instead of the Web Page widget to embed reports in custom forms.
  • You can now lock an event defininition so you can continue to use it in an asynchronous orchestration workflow that is called by an application in another process app. When an event definition is locked, the application, state, and transition names that comprise the event type and the names of the extension fields that are sent with the event do not change, even if these names are changed in the original process app.
  • Outgoing transitions from a decision to an Any state are now supported. The decision must have one incoming transition from the Any state before it can have an outgoing transition to it.
  • You can now locate specific text in the AppScript or JavaScript editor, or locate the text and replace it with something else.
  • The RSS widget is no longer supported, and was removed from the Form Palette.

Solution Imports and Promotion

  • After you install a Serena-provided solution, such as Serena Service Manager, you can now import its solution files into the SBM Application Repository. When solution files are imported, process apps and snapshot files in the solution file are extracted. You can then promote the snapshot files into an environment or open the process apps in SBM Composer for customization.
  • SBM on-demand customers can now promote snapshots extracted from Serena-provided solutions, such as Serena Service Manager.
  • You can now choose to merge certain entities in a target environment rather than delete them if they exist in the target environment but not the snapshot you are promoting. Select the Merge Conflicts check box on the Entities screen of the Promote dialog box to automatically merge the following items:
    • Roles and role assignments
    • Notification subscriptions
    • Single Selection, Multi-Selection, User, Multi-User, and Multi-Group field values
    • Default values for Single Selection, Multi-Selection, User, Multi-User, and Multi-Group fields
      Note: Default value overrides specified in the snapshot for these field types will overwrite overrides that exist in the environment.
  • Selection lists for entities, such as projects and notification rules, are now set to "All" by default on the Entities screen of the Promote dialog box. In previous releases, the selection lists were set to "None" by default.
  • You can now filter the list on the Process App Snapshots tab. For example, you can filter the list of snapshots to those created from an environment, those created from a file, or those that originated from a solution file.

Multi-Step SSL Chain of Trust Support in LDAP

SBM now enables you to specify a PEM-encoded certificate in the SBM System Administrator's LDAP Setup & Tools. In the event that your LDAP server requires a multi-step SSL chain of trust, you can specify a single PEM file that contains the root CA certificate and any intermediate CA certificates. This enables SBM to properly establish the SSL handshake with the SSL server through a chain of trust that contains one or more intermediate certificate authorities.

LDAP Follow Referrals

SBM System Administrator now includes a Follow Referrals feature in the Search Parameters section of the LDAP Setup and Tools dialog box. If your primary LDAP server is not chained to your other LDAP servers and instead uses LDAP referrals, this setting can enable SBM to locate the LDAP user objects that are stored on the separate LDAP servers. For more information, see the SBM System Administrator Guide.

Online Help

The SBM online help systems now highlights search results. This feature allows you to easily find where the word appears on the page.

This improvement applies to the SBM Composer, User Workspace, Application Administrator, SBM System Administrator, and SBM Configurator help systems.


This section provides general upgrade information and important notes for all upgrades to 2009 R4.02. Before you upgrade, review the following sections and proceed with the upgrade according to the version that you currently have installed.

Please refer to prior readmes for a list of features and changes that were added in another version before this release.

Upgrades from the following products and versions are supported in this release. Upgrades are supported from specified base releases and patches on those base releases.
  • TeamTrack 6.6.1.x
  • Serena Business Mashups 2008 R1.05 (Japanese version only)
  • Serena Business Mashups 2008 R2.0x
  • Serena Business Mashups 2009 R1.0x
  • Serena Business Mashups 2009 R2.0x
  • Serena Business Mashups 2009 R3.0x
  • Serena Business Manager 2009 R4.0x

New Installations of Serena Business Manager

If this is a new installation, download version 2009 R4.02 from http://www.serena.com/support and then follow the instructions in the Serena® Business Manager Installation and Configuration Guide to install Serena Business Manager for the first time.

Upgrading From TeamTrack 6.6.1.x

If you have TeamTrack 6.6.1.x installed, download version 2009 R4.02 from http://www.serena.com/support, and then follow the instructions in Moving to Serena® Business Manager. This guide only covers upgrades from TeamTrack.

Note: This version requires a database upgrade. Back up your existing database before installing this version.

You should also refer to solution S137372 to learn about the upgrade preparation utility.

Upgrading From Earlier Versions of SBM

To test this release, you must mimic your installation on a separate set of hardware. This test installation should include all environments used by your system. You can then upgrade and test this installation before upgrading your production installation. To upgrade successfully, 2009 R4.02 must be installed on each server machine and on each machine on which SBM Composer and SBM System Administrator are installed.

SBM 2009 R4.02 supports both major and minor upgrades:

Important Notes for Major and Minor Upgrades

The following notes apply to both major and minor upgrades:
  • Before you begin the upgrade to 2009 R4.02 on Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2, you must stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service (w3svc.exe) from the Windows Services Manager.
    Important: If the w3svc.exe is not stopped prior to running the R4.02 installer, then you will not be able to launch the SBM User Workspace and the Serena Common JBoss service will not start.
    If you have already performed the upgrade and you are experiencing these problems, perform the following steps to fix this issue:
    1. Copy the files located here:


      Into the following folder:

      installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\alfssojavabridge\alfssogatekeeper\lib

    2. Download additional required files from solution S138241. Navigate to the following directory and extract the downloaded files:


    3. Restart IIS and Serena Common JBoss and try to access the SBM User Workspace again.
  • The SBM Application Administrator product logo may not be visible after you upgrade to SBM 2009 R4.0x. To work around this problem, stop the Serena Common JBoss service, and delete the work folder located here:


    After you remove the work folder, restart Serena Common JBOSS.

  • You must disable the User Access Control setting before you install SBM on a Windows 2008 or 2008 R2. To disable this setting, perform the following steps:
    1. From the Windows Start menu, open the Control Panel and select User Accounts.
    2. On Windows 2008, open the User Accounts window and click Turn User Account Control on or off. On Windows 2008 R2, click Change User Account Control settings.
    3. On Windows 2008, clear the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer check box. On Windows 2008 R2, move the slider to the Never notify position.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Reboot the server and perform the install.

    After the installation is finished, you can enable UAC; however, you must disable it again if you attempt to uninstall SBM.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 must be installed on all Windows machines. If it is not detected, .Net Framework 3.5.1 is installed by SBM. To save download and installation time, you may want to install version 3.5.1 prior to running the SBM installer. Also, if you will not have Internet access during the installation, you should download and install 3.5.1 beforehand.
  • On Windows 2003 systems, the SBM installer requires Windows Installer 4.5 in order to install SQL Express without a system restart. (This is not a requirement if you are not installing SQL Express). If you do not pre-install Windows Installer 4.5, the SBM installer performs the install for you and prompts you to restart the system after you select the option to install SQL Express. When the system restart is finished, you must begin the installation again starting from the Welcome dialog. Therefore, to avoid an unscheduled system restart, download and install Windows Installer 4.5 from Microsoft, restart your server, and then install SBM. To determine if version 4.5 is already installed, open the command line and enter the following:
    msiexec -?
  • If you are connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database, you must select the SQL Server Native Client driver. The SQL Server ODBC driver is not compatible with SBM.
  • If you upgrade to Windows 2008 in addition to upgrading SBM, you must enable the Web Server (IIS) role before you install the SBM Application Engine on a Windows 2008 server. If the Web Server (IIS) role is not already configured on your Windows 2008 server, see the "Enabling the Web Server (IIS) Role in Windows 2008 Server" section in the Serena® Business Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for steps to enable the role.
    Note: SBM requires Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) on Windows 2008 systems (IPv6 alone will not work). Both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols can be enabled simultaneously on Windows 2008; however, SBM requires at least IPv4 on each Windows 2008 server in your SBM environment. If users experience log in problems while IPv6 is enabled, see D10608 for a workaround.
  • If you decide to enable or disable Single Sign-On (SSO) in your installation as part of the upgrade, you must also redeploy all of your deployed process apps.
  • Upgrade support for migrating to a 64-bit version of SBM is handled through a new suite installation on one or more 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 servers. You can either perform a Custom install that installs one or more SBM components on multiple 64-bit operating systems or you can perform a Complete install, which installs every component on a single 64-bit server. You can still perform Remote Administration tasks or connect directly to the database via ODBC using 32-bit clients.

    You can use the SBM System Administrator that is installed by the suite installer on a 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 server to upgrade the database. As part of the upgrade, review and upgrade any scripts and APIs that were originally created on a 32-bit operating system to ensure that they also run on a 64-bit system. For example, if you have any scripts that load .dll files, those dll files must be upgraded to run on a 64-bit machine.

    The hardware requirements for SBM running on a Windows 2008 R2 64-bit operating system are as follows. The memory requirements are greater than those for a 32-bit operating system.

    • Recommended Requirements – 2 GHz or higher multi-processors; 16 GB memory; 10 GB operational disk space.
    • Minimum Requirements – 800 MHz or higher single processor; 8 GB memory; 2.5 GB operational disk space.
  • For Oracle systems, you must perform the database upgrade using either the Mashup2009 DSN that is installed with SBM or a system DSN that uses the "Oracle for SBM" driver that is installed with SBM. As part of the 2009 R4.02 upgrade, the existing Mashup2009 DSN is automatically converted to use the new "Oracle for SBM" driver. If you attempt to use a DSN other than the Mashup2009 DSN provided by SBM, the SBM System Administrator prompts you to either use the Mashup2009 DSN or to modify or create a DSN that uses the "Oracle for SBM" driver.

Minor Upgrades

This section provides important notes and upgrade instructions for upgrades to 2009 R4.02 from version 2009 R3 and later.

Before you upgrade, review the information above in addition to the following topics:

Pre-upgrade Steps

Follow these steps before beginning the upgrade:

  1. Verify that 2009 R3 or later is installed on your system by opening the "About" box in the Web interface or Mashup Administrator. You can also view the current version of each component in the System Information tab of the SBM Configurator.
  2. Back up your existing database before installing this version.
  3. Back up the installation directory structure SBM on your Application Engine Web server machine.
  4. Download the release from http://www.serena.com/support.
  5. Stop the following services on the Application Engine Web server: Internet Information Services – IIS, Serena Common JBoss, and the Notification Server and Mail Client.
    Note: You can stop IIS and the Serena Common JBoss Service on the Manage Services tab of SBM Configurator.

Server Installation

Note that you must replace all client and server components for all environments. To upgrade to this release on all server machines:
  1. Extract the server installation files.
  2. On the server machine for each server component, launch the suite executable. An installer message prompts you to confirm that you are upgrading your system. Click Next to continue.
  3. The Upgrade Summary dialog box appears and summarizes the components that are currently installed on the server and ready for upgrade. The current installation directory that will be upgraded is noted as well. Click Upgrade Now to proceed.
    Note: For minor upgrades, if you want to uninstall existing components or install new components, you must use the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility to completely uninstall SBM and then perform a Custom install using the suite installer again (which performs a clean install). This process does not upgrade the current installation. It is recommended that you back up your existing SBM installation directory before you uninstall and reinstall with different component selections. Once the desired components are installed, continue to the next step and reconfigure your installation using SBM Configurator.
  4. At the end of the installation process, click Configure to launch SBM Configurator. You must complete the SBM Configurator wizard before you can access SBM.
    Note: If you are prompted to restart your server, SBM Configurator launches automatically once the server has restarted. (On Windows 2008 systems, you must launch SBM Configurator manually once the server has restarted). If you decline to restart the server at this time, you will not be able to run SBM Configurator until the server has restarted.
    When you launch SBM Configurator, it detects that you are upgrading your system and it upgrades the file system by merging existing configurations from your previous installation into the new installation files. After SBM Configurator is finished upgrading your file system, you can run it anytime thereafter to verify or modify your configuration settings as needed. Guidance is available by clicking the Help buttons throughout the wizard.
  5. Launch the SBM System Administrator and upgrade the SBM Application Engine database. You must use the SBM System Administrator installed with the suite installation package to upgrade the database. If you use multiple environments, you must perform this step for each database in each environment.
  6. Review the database upgrade log file in the Log folder of installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Application Engine directory and correct any problems that occurred during the upgrade. If the log file is empty, no errors or warnings occurred during upgrade.
  7. Merge custom modifications to HTML templates, e-mail templates, and Web interface online help files made to your upgraded files. Backup templates are stored in a backup folder in the installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\Backup<version>-<date>-<time> directory.
    Note: Visit the knowledge base at http://www.serena.com/support and search for solution S138236 for a list of configuration files, template files, JavaScript files and strings that have changed in this release. You must manually merge some of your existing SSO customizations into the newly installed files after you upgrade your software and database.
  8. If you performed the previous step, open SBM System Administrator, select File, and then select Put Files in Database. ALL templates and images in the database are replaced by files on your local machine.
  9. Verify that these services are started: SBM Application Engine Web server (Internet Information Services - IIS), the Serena Common JBoss, and the Serena Broker Service.
    Note: You can start IIS and the Serena Common JBoss Service on the Manage Services tab of SBM Configurator.
  10. Instruct all SBM Composer users to install the client tools using the instructions in the following section (Client Installation). SBM System Administrator users who will use the Remote Administrator should also upgrade using the client installer.
  11. Instruct SBM User Workspace and SBM Application Administrator users to clear the cache in their Web browsers.

Client Installation

The client executable contains full versions of SBM Composer and SBM System Administrator and is intended to be run on client machines.

Previous versions of SBM Composer and SBM System Administrator do not need to be uninstalled before upgrading. The new versions are installed in the same location as the old versions.

To install SBM Composer and SBM System Administrator:

  1. Download the client installer from http://www.serena.com/support.
  2. Launch the installer by double-clicking the file.
  3. Click Next on the Welcome dialog box.
  4. Click Install to upgrade the current client installation.

Fixed Issues

A list of defects fixed in this version can be found in the Knowledge Base.

Note: You must have a Serena.com user account to view items in the Knowledge Base. Register for a free account if you do not have already have one.

Known Issues

This section describes known issues for this release.

User Workspace Issues

  • Users receive an error when they click the Spell Check icon on forms embedded in an external application. To work around this problem, use the browser's built-in spell checker.
  • When a report contains a search filter with query-at-runtime parameters and it is embedded in a Transition form and bound to fields with defaults set to Auto, the report will return an exception as the Auto values cannot be resolved.
  • Users receive errors when they run a report that contains a search filter with query-at-runtime parameters and they click the Find button to search for values. This problem only occurs for reports that are embedded in third-party applications.
  • When editing an item using the Editable Grid by selecting the Edit All Fields option, Date Only fields cannot be updated. Any updates will lose their value. One workaround is to select the View Item option and then to edit the value.
  • Errors appear in the SBM User Workspace when users view items in an Editable Grid report that is embedded in a custom form and the Editable Grid report is created against a separate application. To work around this problem, create a hyperlink to the report that opens it within the original application rather than embedding the report in a custom form.
  • When newly submitted items are replicated using the Editable Grid, default values may incorrectly replace values from the replicated item.
  • When embedding forms and reports Web pages or custom forms, the following features are currently not supported:
    • Related item links which show the state form in another window
    • Relational Field Pop-ups
    • Drill-down navigation in a listframe report
    • Actions on a dual pane view for listframe report
  • Search results are not returned by the Advanced Lookup Tool for Text/Journal fields.

Administrative Issues

  • Listing reports that include join conditions are not included in promotions.
  • After promotion, query-at-runtime parameters are deleted in the target environment for Multi-User field conditions in reports.

SBM Configurator Issues

  • Throttling controls for the maximum payload size of SBM Application Engine and the SBM Orchestration Engine are not currently honored by SBM. This means that services can potentially return large payloads unexpectedly without any throttling control from the server. Therefore, use caution when designing Web service calls and monitor the size of payload responses in order to avoid potential server crashes.
  • SSL certificates that are generated or imported by SBM Configurator can become corrupted on some Windows 2003 systems after SBM Configurator is closed or once IIS is reset. To work around this problem, do not use SSL certificates generated or imported by SBM Configurator to secure your installation.

SBM Web Services Issues

  • Transition names are not resolved correctly in the CreatePrimaryItem, CreatePrimaryItems, TransitionItem, and TransitionItems calls in sbmappservices72. This means the wrong TransitionIdentifier might be returned in the response if there are multiple transitions with the same name in different projects.
  • SBM on-demand Web service calls do not properly resolve the following name types in the identifier element that is sent with the call:
    • TableIdentifier: displayName (TS_NAME), dbName (TS_DBNAME)
    • ProjectIdentifier: displayName (TS_NAME)
    • UserIdentifier: loginId (TS_LOGINID)
    • GroupIdentifier: displayName (TS_NAME)
    • SolutionIdentifier: uniqueName (TS_NAME)
    • WorkflowIdentifier: displayName (TS_NAME)
    • TransitionIdentifier: displayName (TS_NAME)
    To work around this problem, instead of using these names in each identifier, use the ID or UUID elements.
    Note: Note: The displayName still works for the UserIdentifier and SolutionIdentifier.

SBM Composer Issues

  • If you place an HTML/Javascript or Web Page widget on a form directly below an HTML/Javascript widget, the second widget appears in the same frame as the first widget, and its caption is hidden. This is the case even if you put an empty row between the widgets. However, if the first widget is a Web Page widget, this problem does not occur.
  • When you post items into a separate application and use a Decision on the Submit transition, some settings are ignored. For example, relational fields are not mapped in the new item. To work around this problem, create a temporary state to store items created by the post, and then create an action from the Submit transition to move items from this temporary state into a Decision state that is configured to correctly route these items.