Management → Properties → All Properties Pairs
If you want to parse properties you have defined during a process, you can have all properties returned to subsequent steps. You can then search for a required property or property value and use that as part of your process. After the allProperties property is resolved, all of the properties for the given element are listed in a comma-separated series of name=value, including each property on the given element.
These are available only during process execution, and are not automatically written to the process request's Output Properties. You can echo the properties in a step of your process to list them to the output.
If you use the wrong property name, your property name string won’t be replaced. For example, for component/allProperties, it would remain ${p:component/allProperties}. If the system passes or echos an empty string, this indicates that there are no properties for the property name you specified.
The available All Properties pairs are shown in the following table.
Property Name | Reference Syntax | Description |
component/allProperties | ${p:component/allProperties} | Selects all the properties with the same value in a given component. |
environment/allProperties | ${p:environment/allProperties} | Selects all the properties with the same value in a given environment. |
resource/allProperties | ${p:resource/allProperties} | Selects all
properties with the same value in a given resource.
CAUTION: ${p:agent/allProperties} will return
properties most of the time, but because it usually contains a carriage return,
the step may fail.
system/allProperties | ${p:system/allProperties} | Selects all properties with the same value in a given system. |
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