Management → Properties → How Properties Are Resolved
To use a user-defined property in a process, reference it when you configure a step that uses it. Use the following syntax:
${p:<element>/<property name>}
where the ${ indicates the start of the reference, p stands for property, <element> is the element the property is defined on, such as component, <property name> is the user-defined property name, and } indicates the end of the reference. If the property is defined for a process, you can reference that property in the same process as ${p:<property name>}.
A running process fills in values for properties from various property settings, including the following:
For example, a component process step has access to properties set before or during the process execution, including those that are:
Step property values become unavailable once the component process ends.
Typically, you set the value for a same-named property where the value is most likely to change. For example, the value for a web server port number would probably be set in the environment or resource properties. This helps to make the processes flexible enough to execute in multiple environments, such as INT, UAT, and PROD.
The process resolves the values from one of the settings in hierarchical order, with values given for properties closest to the process step overriding any previous values. If the property value is unresolved, the process can prompt users for information at runtime and then incorporate the values into the process.
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