Suggestions for Upgrade

If given permission, Serena informs you when your server and agents are eligible for upgrade.

When upgrade eligibility is detected, in the dashboard at the top of the Deployment Automation page you will see a message indicator image. Click this to see the upgrade suggestions for your server, agent, and plugin versions. Suggestions are shown in an overlay in separate sections as follows:

Server Upgrade Messages

Server upgrade message options are as follows:

Messages indicate how critical the suggested upgrade is and include color coding as follows:

Agent Upgrade Messages

Agent upgrade options are as follows:

Messages indicate how critical the suggested upgrade is and include color coding as follows:

The Management > Resources > Agents / Pools page shows upgrade status for agents if you have agreed to Check for Upgrade and have the permission. Beside each agent with eligible upgrades, the upgrade status is shown.

For the procedure to upgrade agents, see Upgrading Agents.

Plugin Upgrade Messages

Plugin upgrade options are as follows:

The Administration > Automation > Plugins page shows Download links for plugins eligible for upgrade if you have agreed to Check for Upgrade and have the permission. After you have upgraded the plugins, the Download links no longer appear.

For the procedure to upgrade agents, see Upgrading Agents.