Running the Interactive Installer

The Deployment Automation interactive server installer uses a wizard that guides you through the installation process.

To install Deployment Automation:

  1. Download and unzip the installer zip file.
  2. Launch the Deployment Automation installer.

    For Windows

    Run the following installer executable as a Windows local system user:
    • Windows 64-bit: MicroFocusDA-Server64.exe

    For UNIX/Linux

    Important: If you are installing on a 64-bit Linux system, be aware that the UNIX installers are 32-bit applications, and your system may not support 32-bit applications by default. Before running the installer on a 64-bit Linux system, ensure that the following are installed:
    • Motif: This is usually available by default
    • 32-bit compatibility libraries: C/C++ runtime

    Run the following installer executable as a user with root privileges:


    • The interactive server installer is available only for Linux and AIX. For other UNIX platforms, you must manually install. See Manual Server Installation.
    • The server installer does not support console mode.
    After the welcome dialog box appears, click Next.
  3. Accept the license agreement. Click Next.
  4. Specify the path where you want to install Deployment Automation. Click Next.
  5. In the General Program Settings dialog box, select the location where settings will be saved. Click Change to select a different directory. Configure the following options:
    • Use existing settings

      Select this option to install the server using existing settings and maintain the current database.

    • Skip database creation

      Select this option if you are installing Deployment Automation on an additional server for high availability and you do not want to overwrite the settings that you provided during the initial install.

    • JMS connection port

      Enter the JMS port that agents will use to connect to the server.

    • Agent Mutual Authentication

      Select this option to configure increased security between agents and the server.

    Click Next.
  6. In the Database Selection dialog box, select the type of database you will use. Click Next.
  7. In the Database Details dialog box, edit the Database Connection String for your database, and then enter the database user name and password.
    Database Database Connection String
    Derby To use the built-in Derby database (for evaluation purposes only), enter a password for the database user, and then click Next.
    SQL Server Use the format:
    Oracle If you are using a service name, use the format:
    If you are using an instance name, use the format:
    Where da represents your Oracle SID.

    For Oracle databases, the schema name must be the same as the user name.

    Tip: If you need to change the database password after the install, navigate to the profile location conf\server directory and update the hibernate.connection.password property. By default for Windows this is in the following file:


    After the password is updated, restart the Common Tomcat where the Deployment Automation server is installed. The hibernate.connection.password property will be encrypted after the server starts if it is not already encrypted.

    After you have entered the connection information, click Next.
  8. In the Administrator Details dialog box, enter the user name and password to create a Deployment Automation administrator account. You will use this user name and password to log in to Deployment Automation for the first time.
    Note: You cannot change this account later; therefore, enter the user name according to your organization's naming standards.
    Click Next.
  9. In the Configuration Details dialog box, enter the port number for Common Tomcat. The default is 8080.
    Note: For Windows installations, Common Tomcat is run under the Windows System Account by default. If it's necessary to run this under a specific user, such as when you are using network shares that Deployment Automation must have permission to access as part of its core processing, you must change the login information in the Common Tomcat service properties. The default service name is Micro Focus Common Tomcat 8. For details on changing Tomcat service properties, see the Apache Tomcat documentation.

    Click Next.

  10. Click Install. The Deployment Automation server installation finishes and the summary dialog box appears.
The properties set during the server installation are recorded in the file located in the profile directory. By default for Windows this is:


Deployment Automation is installed and connected to your database. You can now configure Deployment Automation by logging in to the Web application using the administrator account that you created.

If you want to start configuring your system and defer agent installation until later, continue with Administration Overview.

If you are ready to install agent relays or agents, continue with the respective section at Agent Relay Installation or Agent Installation.

Related Topics

Installation Checklist

Manual Server Installation

Silent Mode Server Installation

Preparing Your Database