Installation Checklist

This checklist gives an overview of each of the installation steps for a basic installation and links to the detailed procedures.

Tip: Keep this open or print it and follow along as you install to ensure you perform all the necessary steps.

For instructions on upgrading an existing server installation, see the Deployment Automation Release Notes.

A single-server installation consists of a server, a database, and at least one agent. The steps to install a single-server installation are as follows:

  1. Review installation recommendations and system requirements

    Review the installation considerations and system requirements.

    See Installation Considerations for Optimal Performance and System Requirements.

  2. Create your database

    Create an empty database for Deployment Automation. If you want to install Deployment Automation for evaluation purposes, you can install the lightweight Derby database that is provided by the installer.

    See Preparing Your Database.

  3. Download installation files

    If you haven't already, from the Support website download the server and agent installers and any others you want to use, such as the agent relay installer or command line client zip file. Some of the installers are specific to platform and there are 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Extract compressed (zipped) files before running the embedded executables.

  4. Install the server

    Install the server using the Deployment Automation server installer for your platform.

    The installer automatically installs or points to the supporting application server and JRE. It will prompt you to supply values for the IP address, ports for HTTP communication, and other connection information.

    Note: (UNIX/Linux) Root privileges are required to install the Deployment Automation server.

    See Server Installation.

  5. Install agent relays (optional)

    If you are using an agent relay, install the agent relay using the Deployment Automation agent relay installer for your platform. Agent relays are not needed in a simple installation, but are needed if the server and agents need to communicate over firewalls or if you are configuring a high availability, enterprise-level implementation.

    See Agent Relay Installation.

  6. Install agents

    Install agents on target machines that will communicate with the server using the Deployment Automation agent installer for your platform. When installing an agent, you supply several values defined during server installation. If you are using an agent relay, the agent relay must be installed first so that you can specify the agent relay host information for the agent to use for connection.

    See Agent Installation.

  7. Validate the installation

    Start the server and agents. To determine if the agent is in communication with the server, in the user interface, navigate to Management > Resources > Agents. A value of Online in the agent's Status field means the agent is successfully connected.

    See Running Deployment Automation.

  8. Configure your Deployment Automation system as needed

    Configure Server Communication, Single Sign-On (SSO), Secure Socket Layer (SSL), File Versioning, Users, Groups, Roles, and so on as needed for your organization. This may include loading additional automation plugins to use in your component processes. See corresponding sections for details as listed in Administration.