Running Component Processes

Although components are typically deployed by application processes, you can run a component process directly instead of initiating it through an application process. For more about deployment, see Deployment Overview.

To run a component process:

  1. Navigate to the application's Components page: Management > Applications > [selected application] > Components.
  2. In the list, beside the component name for which you want to run a process, click the Run icon. The process wizard is displayed with the application and component already selected.
  3. Select an environment to which to deploy.
  4. Select a resource to use.
  5. Select the process to run.
  6. Select the version.
  7. Click Submit.
When a process starts, the Request page is displayed so that you can review the process request progress. After the request completes, you can review the results on that and other related pages. See Analyzing Deployments.
Note: If gate conditions are defined for a target environment, the component version is deployed into that environment only if its status meets those conditions. See Gates.

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