About Starter Pack Service Requests

Starter Pack Service Requests provide pre-built forms for commonly used IT services, such as password change requests and software installations. The Starter Pack Service Requests are integrated with Serena Request Center through the Starter Pack Forms and SRC - Service Request process apps. You can use these forms as they are provided or you can customize them to meet your specific business needs.

Starter pack forms are available through two process apps:

A complete list of service requests organized by Serena Request Center category is provided in Starter Pack Service Requests by Category.

Starter Pack Service Requests Process Apps

Forms included with the SRC - Starter Pack Forms - IT process app have two versions: one for the submitting requests (Transition) and one for viewing requests (State). When you install and deploy the process apps, unique services and projects are created for each pair of forms.

The transition form includes fields referenced from the SRC - Service Request process app and from multiple edit box controls that gather information. After the submit is completed, the data from the edit box controls and the fields are added to the Description field of the item.

The state forms appear on the Request Data tab for submitted items. The tab contains many of the custom fields for that item. The state form that is displayed is determined by the value of the RequestForm field, which is automatically set when the original item is submitted. This allows the state form that is paired with the original submit form to be displayed.
Note: The Starter Pack Forms significantly improve the ease at which forms can be updated and customized. Instead of modifying the main process app for every change to forms, modifications are made in the SRC - Service Request process app process app. The workflow does not have to be modified since the custom submit forms are determined when services are set up in Request Center. The display of the accompanying custom state form on the Request Data tab requires only two state forms on the main workflow, while allowing the display of custom fields appropriate for the submitted item.

Creating Custom Starter Pack Forms

In addition to the specialized forms, three generic forms are provided as a basis for creating other specialized forms. To use one of these forms as a template in SBM Composer, right-click the form and choose Duplicate.

The following table describes these three forms.
Form Description
Submit Template This default template can be used as a basis for creating a simple submit form. The form includes the basic fields such as Requester Name, Urgency, Impact, and Priority, Required Date and Cost Center. The Request Details tab contains space to add additional fields. The Hidden Fields section is a place for you to place fields you do not want users to see or change.
Submit Template (Wizard) This wizard template can be used as a basis to create a multi-page submit form. This form is useful for collecting more data during the submit process. When users click Next, the next tab in the submit form opens, enabling them to progress through each tab and add required information, while maintaining a clutter-free page.
State Template The state template is a simple state form that contains the basic fields laid out to match the submit forms. You can include this state form as an embedded form on the tab for your item.