Adding Auxiliary Data to Request Center Tables

SRC uses data that is stored in auxiliary tables. These tables must be populated with information to use the solution; however, the tables are meant to be added to as you add more information into your systems.

Important: You must grant a user privileges to the tables below using SBM Application Administrator before that user can populate them with auxiliary data in SBM Application Administrator.

Certain fields in the following tables have default values and dependencies defined, but you can tailor these in SBM Composer. The values determine which selections are available when working with requests, incidents, problems, changes, and CIs. See Managing Auxiliary Data for information on how to add information to these tables.

The following auxiliary tables are packaged with the SRC - Service Request process app:

The following auxiliary tables are packaged with the SRC - Knowledge Management process app.

Managing Auxiliary Data

To add or edit data records to your auxiliary tables, do one of the following:
  • Log into SBM Application Administrator as a privileged user, select Auxiliary Data, choose the table from the list, and then click New or search for an existing item to edit.
  • Log into Work Center and then select Manage Data from the Options menu. Choose the table from the list, and then click New or search for an existing item to edit.