Using Advanced Search

The Advanced Search feature enables you to perform searches for the following items, depending on your privileges:

Your administrator determines which fields can be searched on the Advanced Search page.

Searching for Items Using Advanced Search

  1. Select the application that contains the items that you want to find.
    Tip: The Advanced Search option is only available for individual applications; it is not available with application groups or in the All context.
  2. Click the Search icon, and then select Advanced Search.
  3. Select the table that you want to search from the list.

    By default, this drop-down list contains the primary table associated with the selected application. Auxiliary tables, archived tables, and the Notes/Attachments table may also be available, depending on your privileges.

  4. Specify keyword(s) to search for in Text fields that are set up for keyword searching by your administrator. Keyword searching is provided for all search types.

    For note/attachment searches, you can search for keywords contained in the title of notes and attachments, and in the body of notes and e-mail messages.

  5. For work item and archived item searches, select a project or multiple projects that contain the items that you are looking for.
  6. Set search criteria for individual fields. Your administrator determines which fields are available for primary and auxiliary tables, including archived primary tables.

Your search results are returned as a list of items.

Note: For note/attachment searches, the Associated Attachments column contains notes and attachments that meet your search criteria and that you have privileges to view. Because certain privileges are checked only for the results page that you are viewing, the total number of records shown in search results is always an approximation.

Tips for Searching for Fields on the Advanced Search Page

The following tips apply to specifying search criteria for these fields: