Shortcut Keys

You can use shortcut keys instead of the mouse when you work in SBM Composer. These shortcut keys work on standard keyboards only.

Ribbon Operations

You do not have to remember shortcut keys that perform Ribbon operations, because when you press the Alt key, they are highlighted. For example, to open the Composer menu, press the Alt key to highlight the keys, release the Alt key, and then press the M key to open the menu.
Note: If you already know a shortcut key, you can simply press and release Alt, and then press key to perform its associated operation. It is important to release the Alt key before pressing key, because there are shortcut keys in the editor pane and Property Editors that use the same letter as those in the Ribbon, but require you to press Alt and key at the same time. The editor pane and Property Editor shortcut keys take precedence over the Ribbon shortcut keys, so you could get unexpected results if you do not press the Ribbon keys sequentially.

Global Shortcut Keys

The following table lists shortcut keys you can use from anywhere in SBM Composer.

Operation Shortcut
Open the Composer menu. Alt, M
Open the Create New Process App dialog box. Ctrl+N
Open the Open Process App dialog box. Ctrl+O
Open the Import Process App Blueprint dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+I
Open the Create New Process App from File dialog box. Ctrl+Shift+I
Open a dialog box to export a process app to a file. Ctrl+Shift+E
Save the open process app. Alt, S or


Undo the last operation. Ctrl+Z
Redo the last operation you performed with the "Undo" operation. Ctrl+Y
Navigate backward. Alt, 8
Navigate forward. Alt, 9
Validate process app. Alt, V or


Start a Publish operation. Alt, P or


Start a Deploy operation. Alt, D or


Start a Quick Deploy operation. Alt, Q or


Open the Find Items dialog box. This dialog box lets you search for all matching items in an editor pane, application, or process app. Alt, F or


Zoom in. Ctrl +
Zoom out. Ctrl -
Open SBM Work Center. Ctrl+Shift+W
Open Application Repository. Ctrl+Shift+M
Open or close Validation Results. Ctrl+Shift+H
Open or close Common Log Viewer. Ctrl+Shift+L
Open or close Activity Log. Ctrl+Shift+G
Open or close Property Editor. Ctrl+Shift+R

Local Shortcut Keys

The following table lists shortcut keys that you can use only when you have certain parts of SBM Composer in focus. For example, the shortcut key for the "find" operation is available from App Explorer or an editor.

Operation Shortcut
Open the Find dialog box. This dialog box lets you search for matching items one at a time in App Explorer or in a list in the editor pane. Ctrl+F
Find the next occurrence of an item you specified in the Find dialog box. F3
Toggle the presence of the Look for area in a list in the editor pane. This area lets you filter the results of a "find" operation. Ctrl+I
Remove waypoints (small circles on a transition) so the transition follows the line from the center of one state to the center of another state. This gives the workflow a cleaner look. Shift+Delete
Show the Actions tab on the Property Editor for a transition or state. Alt+3, A or

Ctrl+Shift+3, A

Show the Forms tab on the Property Editor for a workflow; show the Form tab on the Property Editor of a transition or state. Alt+3, F or

Ctrl+Shift+3, F

Show the Field Privileges tab on the Property Editor for a workflow, transition, or state. Alt+3, R or

Ctrl+Shift+3, R

Show the Field Overrides tab on the Property Editor for a workflow, transition, or state. Alt+3, V or

Ctrl+Shift+3, V

Auto-Hide and Focus Shortcut Keys

The following table lists shortcut keys you can use to bring focus to major areas of the SBM Composer user interface. If the area in focus is in the "Auto-Hide" mode (that is, the pushpin icon at the top right of the area is unpinned or pointing horizontally), you can use these shortcut keys to hide or show the areas.

Operation Shortcut
Activate and bring focus to hidden App Explorer. Ctrl+1
Bring focus to editor pane. Ctrl+2
Activate and bring focus to hidden Property Editor. Ctrl+3
Activate and bring focus to hidden palette. Ctrl+4
Activate and bring focus to hidden Message List. Ctrl+5
Hide App Explorer, Property Editor, or palette. Esc

Options Dialog Box Shortcut Keys

The following table lists shortcut keys you can use to switch tabs in the Options dialog box. When you hover over the tab name, the shortcut key for the associated tab is shown in a tooltip.

Operation Shortcut
Switch to General tab. Ctrl+G
Switch to Theme tab. Ctrl+M
Switch to repository Connection tab. Ctrl+R
Switch to repository Behavior tab. Ctrl+B
Switch to Comparison tab. Ctrl+N
Switch to Common Log Viewer tab. Ctrl+L
Switch to application Form tab. Ctrl+F
Switch to application HTML and Script tab. Ctrl+H
Switch to application Table tab. Ctrl+T
Switch to application Workflow tab. Ctrl+W
Switch to application Event tab. Ctrl+E
Switch to orchestration Workflow tab. Ctrl+O
Switch to Resources tab. Ctrl+S

Selection Field Shortcut Keys

The following table lists shortcut keys you can use to edit and navigate selections in Single Selection and Multi-Selection fields.

Operation Shortcut
Edit a selected value in the Value column. Enter or F2
Apply changes to a selected value. Enter
Discard changes to a selected value. Esc
Add a new value. Insert
Delete a selected value. Delete
Open the drop-down list in the Status column. Alt+Down
Select a value in the Status column. Up, Down, Left, Right
Close the drop-down list in the Status column. Esc
Change the value of the Weight column. Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down

Form Shortcut Keys

The following table lists shortcut keys you can use in the form preview and form editor.

Operation Shortcut
Open form preview mode. F5
Navigate between cells in the form editor (the first cell must be selected). Up, Down, Left, Right
Select tab on Tab container control. Left, Right
Select top left cell of a focused form or container control. Enter
Select parent control, tab, or cell. Esc
Expand a container control. + (in Num Lock mode)
Collapse a container control. - (in Num Lock mode)

Palette Shortcut Keys

The following table lists shortcut keys you can use from any palette (Workflow Palette, Form Palette, and so on).

Operation Shortcut
Display shortcut keys for the selected palette. Alt+4 or


Select an item in the palette. Select the palette section and then press Up or Down. (To select the palette, press Ctrl+4.)
Add item from a palette to the editor pane. Select an appropriate cell in the editor (for forms), navigate to the item in the palette, and then press Enter.
Expand a palette section. + (in Num Lock mode)
Collapse a palette section. - (in Num Lock mode)
Move to the top of the palette. Home
Move to the bottom of the palette. End
Move to a specific item in the palette. Select the palette section and then press the first letter of the item.
Move to the top of the palette. PgUp (repeat as needed)
Move to the bottom of the palette. PgDn (repeat as needed)