Tutorial: Running the GenericFaultAWF Project and Invoking the CatchAll Branch


You performed the steps in Tutorial: Practicing With the Scope Step to Handle Generic Web Service Faults and Tutorial: Altering the GenericFaultOWF to Return a Web Service Fault.

In this exercise, you run the altered GenericFaultAWF Project in SBM Work Center.

To run the GenericFaultAWF Project and return an error message:

  1. Log on to SBM Work Center.
  2. Click the FaultHandlingPro icon.
  3. Click +New.
  4. On the Browse tab, click the GenericFaultAWF Project link.

    The Submit transition form opens.

  5. Enter some text in the Title field, and then click OK.

    The message An unknown error occurred at GenericFaultAWF_GenericFaultOWF_VerifyUser is returned in the Description field.

    Note: The orchestration workflow will fail when you invoke it, so it does not matter what you enter in the Title field. However, you must enter something, because this is a required field.
  6. To find out more about the error, you can return to the FaultHandlingProcessApp in SBM Composer and look for the associated SOAP fault in the Common Log Viewer as follows:
    1. If the Common Log Viewer tab is not visible, on the Ribbon, in the Common Views group, select the Common Log Viewer check box.
    2. On the Overview tab of the Log Viewer, click Refresh.

      GenericFaultOWF should be selected.

    3. On the Details tab, select the latest run on the Run tab.
    4. Look for the error message that begins with A fault occurred during the execution of the orchestration…
    5. Right-click anywhere in the message row, and then select Show Message.

      The Message Detail dialog box opens and shows the content of the SOAP message.

    6. Click the Previous button until you see the message that contains the SOAP fault. This message begins as follows: A Web service was invoked at Service step VerifyUser, and now the Orchestration Engine is receiving the following message.
    7. In the SOAP message that follows, locate the SOAP fault, which begins with <SOAP-ENV:Fault.

      The received SOAP message for the GenericFaultApp Project should contain the following information:

      <SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:SOAP-ENV='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'>
        <faultstring>Invalid User ID or Password</faultstring>
          <ae:AEWebservicesFault xmlns:ae='urn:sbmappservices72'>Invalid 
            User ID or Password</ae:AEWebservicesFault>

      Note that the SOAP fault indicates an invalid user ID or password.

    8. Click the Previous button again until you see the SOAP message that contains the source of the error. This message begins as follows: A Web service is being invoked at Service step VerifyUser, and the Orchestration Engine is sending the following message.

      The sent SOAP message for the GenericFaultApp Project should contain the following information:


      Note the incorrect entry for userID.

  7. After you complete this part of the tutorial, you can restore GenericFaultOWF to its original, valid state by deleting the invalid userId value and redeploying the process app. If you do not do this, you can still run the other projects in the FaultHandlingProcessApp.

Related Topics

Tutorial: Altering the GenericFaultOWF to Return a Web Service Fault

Tutorial: Running the GenericFaultAWF Project