JavaScript Editor

The JavaScript editor lets you create a new JavaScript file, or view and modify an imported JavaScript file.
Element Description
Name By default, this is the file name of the imported JavaScript file without the .js extension. You can change this name, if you prefer.
Description An area for an optional description of the JavaScript file.
Source file The original location and file name of the imported JavaScript file.
Import Replaces the JavaScript file with a different or updated file. Click this button to locate and import the file.
Save to file Creates a JavaScript file from the source code in the Source code box and saves it to the location you specify.
Note: Use this command only if you want to use the file outside of SBM Composer.
Code An area for typing, pasting, and editing JavaScript source code.
Script size The size of the JavaScript file, in number of rows and bytes.

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Using JavaScript

Using the Editor Pane