Using the Editor Pane

The editor pane appears in the center of the SBM Composer window. The content of this area changes depending on the element that you are editing. For example, when you select a role in the App Explorer, the role editor shows the privileges for that role.

You can do the following:
  • Edit multiple design elements by right-clicking each element in App Explorer and selecting Open in New Tab.
  • Reorder tabs by dragging them.
  • Change the size of the editor pane or the tiled tabs by dragging their borders.


For many entities in App Explorer, a palette of related objects is displayed to the right of the editor pane. For example, when you edit a workflow, the palette contains states, steps, and the various types of transitions. You can drag these objects onto the entity in the editor pane, and double-click some objects to add them to the editor pane.

Tip: For information about moving and hiding a palette, see Working with Panels.

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