Global Process App and Global Application

Every SBM database includes the Global Process App, which is a special process app that contains only the Global Application. The Global Application initially includes system auxiliary tables—Companies, Contacts, Problems, Resolutions, and others—and their associated default icons. In a system upgrade from TeamTrack, the Global Application also initially contains any other existing auxiliary tables and scripts that are not associated with a specific application and any existing triggers that are used in transition actions.

To access the Global Application, you first "get" the Global Process App into the repository (as described in the Application Repository documentation). Then, you can create a reference to the Global Application in an existing process app. (See About References for details.) You can also check out the Global Process App, modify its contents, check it in, and publish and deploy it like any other process app.

Important: The Global Process App does not have to be deployed unless you modify it.

When you open the Global Process App, the repository could list several Global Process Apps, identifiable by the names of the environment sets from which they were gotten, as in Global Process App (environment-set-name). For example, an environment set might include Development, Testing, and Production environments for a single SBM system. Your company might have multiple environment sets.

The Global Process App should be deployed only to an environment in the same environment set as the environment from which the Global Process App was originally gotten. If you deploy the Global Process App to a different environment set, the Global Process App in the deployed-to (target) environment set will contain everything in the deployed Global Process App, and some system-provided elements in the target Global Process App will be overwritten.

If you decide to rename the Global Application for some reason, consider leaving the environment set name unchanged in the new name for the Global Application. This helps you avoid the potential problems associated with deploying the Global Application to a different environment set.

For example, if the Global Process App from one environment set is deployed to an environment in a different environment set, and that second Global Process App is gotten into the repository, SBM Composer could display two triggers with the same name, and you have no way to tell which of the Global Process Apps they came from.

In SBM Composer, you can do the following to the Global Application:

Tip: To populate User and Multi-User fields that you add to auxiliary tables in the Global Process App, edit the user field in SBM Composer, associate one or more roles, deploy the process app, and then assign users and groups to those roles in Application Administrator using the following steps:
  1. In Application Administrator, select Projects.
  2. In the Projects tree, select All Projects.
  3. Select the base project, and then click Details.
  4. Open the Roles view, select a role, and then click User Assignment or Group Assignment to assign users.
The assigned users will now appear as selections in the user fields that you added to the auxiliary table.

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Process Apps
