Creating Custom Process App Help

As you work with process apps in SBM Composer, information you provide in the End-user help text setting for the following elements is displayed to users:

The End-user help text setting is located on the General properties tab for each element. Click Edit to open an HTML editor, which enables you to easily format text. For details, refer to Using the End-User Help Editor.


For applications, this setting is in the Application Editor. In this case, the description appears to users.

Once you deploy your process apps, users will see the information as described in Creating Custom Process App Help.

Considerations for Providing Custom Help

Viewing Custom Help for Items

Custom help is available to users from state and transition forms for primary and auxiliary items. Custom help is available on quick forms and custom forms.
Note: If you have removed the help and workflow icons from custom forms, users will not have access to Workflow or Form help.

Depending on the content you provide in SBM Composer, help is available in the following areas for items: