Table Editor

Use the table editor to design primary and auxiliary tables. It is displayed when you select a table in App Explorer. To hide columns in the table editor or show additional columns, right-click the table header row, select Columns, and then select or clear check boxes for the columns in the menu.

Use the tabs in the Property Editor to view and modify the various aspects of the selected table.


A palette of field types and system fields is displayed to the right of the table editor. Add fields to the table by dragging them from the Table Palette to the table editor. Each of the system fields (Active/Inactive, Description, and so on) can be used only once in a table. The other (custom) field types can be used as often as needed.

Tip: You can also add a field by right-clicking the table editor, selecting Add New, and selecting the field type.

Delete a field by right-clicking it in the table editor and selecting Delete or Cut. When you delete or cut a system field type, it is returned to the list to make it available for use. Cutting a field also copies it to the Windows Clipboard, so you can paste it into the same or other tables as needed.

Note: You cannot copy a system field, or delete a required system field (such as the Title field in an auxiliary table). The System column (if displayed in the table editor) indicates whether the field is a system field.

Related Topics

Modifying Table Properties

Using the Editor Pane