Managing Users, Roles, and Groups → About User Accounts → Working With User Accounts → Transferring Application Settings to Another User
References enable you to view and transfer certain application settings from one user to another. For example, if a user leaves your organization, you can use this feature to transfer User field selections and default values, role assignments, and other settings to a different user.
Use references to transfer the following application settings:
This is useful for transferring selections for all User and Multi-User fields from one user to another.
This is particularly useful for transferring ownership of items in a particular state to a different user. For example, newly submitted items may be routed to a manager who is set as the default value for a field during an "Assign" transition. You can use references to change this default value to a different manager. The setting can be transferred for workflows or projects.
This enables you to see where a user is defined as part of a field dependency so you can transfer those settings to another user. For example, selections in a Manager field may limit the selections in an Employee field. If a manager leaves the company, you can replace her with another manager so that the dependency remains intact.
This ensures that critical information continues to be sent to an appropriate user if someone leaves your organization.
When you transfer group membership, all privileges, role assignments, and notifications are transferred to the new user. In addition, if groups are used to populate User or Multi-User fields, transferred users are available as selections for these fields.
All privileges associated with roles are transferred to new users. In addition, if roles are used to populate User or Multi-User fields, transferred users are available as selections for these fields.
Use the References page to view these application settings for a user. You can then transfer the individual settings multiple users, or use the "Replace User" feature to transfer all of the listed settings to a single user at once.
To transfer one user's application settings to a single user:
The list of application settings for the original user should be empty.
To transfer one user's application settings to multiple users:
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