Reporting → Report Search Criteria → Using Basic Conditions in SBM Reports → Working with Field Search Specifications → Condition Operators
The Operator drop-down list allows you to select a function for the field selected in the Fields drop-down list. The following table describes the operators available for different field types.
Operator | Description |
= (equal to) | Use the equal to operator to find exact values. |
> (greater than) | Use the greater-than operator to find larger values than the value specified. |
< (less than) | Use the less-than operator to find smaller values than the value specified. |
>= (greater than or equal to) | User the greater-than-or-equal-to operator to find identical and greater values than the value specified. |
<= (less than or equal to) | Use the less-than-or-equal-to operator to find identical and lesser values than the value specified. |
<> (not equal to) | Use the not-equal-to operator to find values not equal to the value specified. For Date/Time fields, dates used with this operator are treated as Date-only fields. |
contains all | Use this operator to select one or more values to return items that contain all values in the field. |
contains any | Use this operator to select one or more values to return items that contain any values in the field. Multiple conditions are allowed. |
does not contain all | Use this operator to select one or more values to return items that do not contain all specified values in the field. Multiple conditions are allowed. |
does not contain any | Use this operator to select one or more values to return items that do not contain any values in the field. Multiple conditions are allowed. |
contains | Use this operator to search for keywords in a Text field or Sub-Relational field or the Item Type Prefix option. SBM automatically includes wildcard characters at the beginning and the end of the search criteria. For example, type the value icons for a title search and the "contains" operator to return all items that contain the word "icons" in the title. Use this operator to search for exact phrases or single keywords in the Text field, or for searching by items by a specific item prefix. |
like | Like is a comparison expression that returns data that is like the value selected. This operator gives you complete control over how SBM uses wildcard characters. |
not contains | Use this operator to return items that do not contain specified keywords in the queried Text or Sub-Relational field or the Item Type Prefix option. |
not like | This is a comparison expression that returns data that is not like the selected value. Select the Title field and the "not like" operator, and then type the first or last word of the title to exclude that item from the report. You can use an asterisk (*) in the search as a wildcard character. For example, type the value *icons* for a title search to return items that do not contain the word icons. Use this operator to search for multiple phrases or keywords not in the field or item prefix. |
like (zero-filled) | Use this operator to include leading zeros in your criteria for the Item ID field. For example, if there are leading zeroes on the ID number, they may be left off your search criteria. For example, to find item ID number "BUG00017," type 17. |
not like (zero-filled) | Use this operator to not include leading zeros in your criteria for the Item ID field. For example, if there are leading zeroes on the ID number, they must be included in your criteria. For example, to find item ID number "BUG00017," you must type 00017. |
is empty | Use this operator to find items with field values that are empty (in which values have not been entered or not provided by a user). For example, select the Description field with the is empty operator to return items that do not have any content in the Description field. |
is not empty | Use this operator to find items with field values that are not empty (in which values have been provided). For example, select the Secondary Owner field with the is not empty operator to return items that have been assigned a secondary owner user or group. |
Field Type | Operators |
Binary | = |
Company, Contact, Folder, Item Type, Project, Single Relational, Single Selection, State, Sub-Relational, Trinary, User | contains any, does not contain any |
DateTime, Numeric, Summation | =, <>, >, >=, <, <= |
Multi-Group, Multi-Relational, Multi-Selection, Multi-User | contains all, contains any, does not contain all, does not contain any |
Text, Item Type, Prefix Option | contains, like, not contains, not like |
Item Id | contains, like, like (zero-filled), not contains, not like |
Sub-Relational | The available operators depend on the selected sub-field type. |
File, URL | contains, not contains, is empty, is not empty |
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