Managing External Users → Setting External User Options → Setting up Self-Registration for Users → Setting up Automatic or Manual Registration
You can set up the Self-Registration feature so that new user accounts are created automatically or manually created by an existing SBM user.
The following guidelines apply to these settings:
Select Automatic Registration to create user accounts with no interaction on the part of an existing SBM user. When a non-SBM user registers via the Self-Registration form, a new record is automatically added to the Contacts table and a new user account is automatically created depending on which option you select:
A new user with External User product access is created (if an External user license is available) and the user is added to the group specified in Group for New External Users.
A new user with External User product access is created (if an External user license is available) and a new item is submitted into the project specified in Project for Registration Requests. An existing SBM user with the "Assign Contact External Access" privilege can edit the contact record on the primary item and either Revoke Login or Change Product Access and select Change to Occasional.
A new user with Occasional User product access is created (if an Occasional user license is available) and the user is added to the group specified in Group for Occasional Users.
Select Manual Registration to require an existing SBM user to complete the registration process for those who self-register. When a non-SBM user registers via the Self-Registration form, a record is automatically added to the Contacts table and a new primary item is submitted into the project that you select in Project for Registration Requests. This enables an existing SBM user to complete the registration. The process differs depending on which option you select:
A new Contact record is created and an item is submitted into the project specified in Project for Registration Requests. An existing user with the "Assign Contact External Access" privilege can open the primary item, edit the Contact record, and then select Grant Login. In the dialog box that appears, the existing user enters a login ID and password, and then the new user is created with External User product access.
A new Contact record is created and an item is submitted into the project specified in Project for Registration Requests. An existing user with the "Assign Contact External Access" privilege can open the primary item, edit the Contact record, and then select Grant Login. In the dialog box that appears, the existing user enters a login ID and password, and then selects either External User or Occasional User. This grants the new user the selected product access, assuming an applicable license is available.
A new Contact record is created and an item is submitted into the project specified in Project for Registration Requests. An existing user with the "Assign Contact External Access" privilege can open the primary item, edit the Contact record, and then select Grant Login. In the dialog box that appears, the existing user enters a login ID and password, and then the new user is created with Occasional User product access.
Note the following important information about using Manual Registration:
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