Working with Privileges → About Privileges
SBM Application Repository provides a set of privileges that work in conjunction with privileges assigned in SBM Application Administrator to control access to the repository and deployment and promotion to each environment.
There are three sets of privileges that affect the tasks an administrator or designer can perform:
Depending on the user's role and activities, a combination of privileges might be required. For examples of how privileges can be set for various deployment, promotion, and environment-related tasks, refer to:
These privileges control process app activities, such as checking process apps in to or out of the repository, and editing, publishing, and deploying process apps. These tasks can be performed in Application Repository or SBM Composer.
Repository privileges are set in Application Repository and are assigned on the System Privileges and Component Privileges sub-tabs. For details, refer to System Privileges and Component Privileges.
These privileges control deployment activities, such as creating environments, deploying process apps, and promoting process apps to another environment. Deployment privileges are assigned to users with Managed Administration product access in SBM Application Administrator, and these privileges must be granted before administrators can perform these activities in a runtime environment.
In general, deployment privileges control an administrator's overall ability to administer an environment and deploy and promote process apps to that environment. Deployment privileges work with repository privileges to enable users to create applications and publish them to the repository, but limit users' ability to deploy and promote applications to specific runtime environments. You can also use deployment privileges to allow only certain users to create environments, assign repository privileges, and other administrative tasks.
These privileges are most commonly granted to users with Managed Administration product access and control a user's ability to log into Application Repository. Administrative privileges also control the ability to configure deployed applications in SBM Application Administrator. For example, you can use these privileges to enable an administrator to configure a specific application rather than all applications.
Administrative privileges must be granted for each environment for which administrators will configure applications and deploy and promote process apps. Administrative product access and privileges are granted in SBM Application Administrator.
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