Configuring SBM Work Center → Configuring System Settings
Use the System Settings tab to configure global settings that impact Work Center users.
Use the check box to enable or disable the Social view for all projects in your system at one time.
For details on the Social view, refer to Social View Settings.
Configure the following security settings for Work Center:
This option enables you to embed the SBM login page in another Web site's frame and it allows the login page to appear in the SharePoint Web Parts if you are using SBM Connect for SharePoint®. Select this option if you are using SBM Connect for SharePoint® or if you want to add the SBM login page to a Web portal.
This option "sanitizes" HTML that is stored in the database for Memo fields, Journal fields, and notes that are configured to render HTML tags, which prevents cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, JavaScript injections, and rendering of poorly-formatted or malicious HTML behavior from occurring. When this setting is enabled, SBM automatically compares the raw HTML in the database to the list of approved tags, attributes, and restricted styles that you configure to ensure the HTML is considered "safe" before it is rendered on the form. Any user-defined HTML formatting is also sanitized, which ensures that the HTML is formatted and displayed in a uniform, consistent manner.
A default configuration of approved HTML tags and attributes is provided in case-insensitive JSON format. You can add or remove entries under each JSON field as necessary; however, the following JSON fields are required and cannot be removed:
Note that the default configuration excludes the following obviously suspicious HTML tags, which means SBM does not render these tags by default:
<applet, </applet <embed, </embed <form, </form <frame, </frame <iframe, </iframe <input, </input <script, </script <textarea, </textarea
If you disable the Sanitize HTML Values option, only the suspicious tags listed above are not rendered. This includes the <a, </a and <img, </img tags unless they are added using the Rich Text Editor. However, these tags will not be rendered if they contain suspicious attributes, such as onload or onclick.
If you have made changes to the configuration and you want to compare them to the default configuration that is provided with SBM, click Reset Configuration, note the changes, and then click Discard.
To view a well-formatted version of the default settings and some configuration examples, refer to solution S141316.
Use the Link Type field to set a global, default shell value in notification item links. For example, if you want all users to view items from notifications in the Work Center interface, select SBM Work Center.
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