Managing Notifications → Frequently Asked Questions About Notifications
Users must be able to view items to which notifications are related to receive e-mail notifications. For example, users who only have privileges to view items they submitted will not receive e-mail notifications related to items submitted by other users.
Most users can manage their subscriptions in their user profile in Work Center. The exceptions are users who are not granted privileges to modify their user profile and users with External product access.
First, include the $FIELDS() tag to the e-mail template used by the notification, and then select the fields you want included on the Fields page for that notification. For details, refer to E-mail Field Settings and Notification Tags.
Yes. Work Center offers the My Notifications feature, which enables users to see their notifications, mark them as read, and delete them. Search and filtering features are provided. On-premise customers can use SBM Configurator to specify the number of days notifications are shown before they are purged.
You can choose to open SBM Work Center or Service Request Center (if Service Support Manager is installed). Select the applicable link type on the General tab for the notification. This option only applies to notifications that send broadcast channels or e-mail messages.
Use delay parameters to send notifications based on values in a Date/Time field. For details, refer to Creating Delayed Notifications.
You can specify a business calendar as part of escalation parameters. Escalation time, such as delay and repeat periods, are calculated based on the calendar. For details, refer to Calendars.
Modify the e-mail template used by the notification and add the $ATTACHMENT() tag to include files attached to the primary or auxiliary item related to the notification. To include links to these attachments rather than the files themselves, use the $FILEATTACHMENTLINKS() tag. For details, refer to Notification Tags.
Use the $CHANGEACTION() template tag to return the action and user that caused the notification to be generated, along with the date and time the action occurred. Use the $CHANGES() template tag to return the change history for the item based on the action that caused the notification to be generated. For details, refer to Notification Tags.
The Notification Server is managed in the SBM Configurator. If you do not have access to the SBM Configurator, contact your system administrator.
Yes. Item notifications allow users to receive e-mail notifications for individual primary and auxiliary items. For example, a user may be interested in following a particular item as it moves from state to state in the workflow. The user can subscribe to an "item changes state" notification and receive an e-mail message every time the item changes state in the workflow. To enable users to subscribe to individual notifications, make sure they are allowed to subscribe to the notifications, but are not actually subscribed to them. They can then select Add Item Notification from the Actions list on an item.
Use the Rule object "Any Note" to send notifications when a note is added to or deleted from an item. To send a notification when a note changes, use the rule "Any Note Changes." To include the note in the e-mail notification that is generated, modify the template and include the $NOTES() tag. For details, refer to $NOTES().
No. Users will only receive one e-mail message per notification per cycle.
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