Submitting Items in the Rich Editable Grid


Create a Listing report following the steps in Opening the Rich Editable Grid.

You can use the Editable Grid to create items in applications (primary tables) and auxiliary tables.

Tip: Using the Editable Grid simplifies the process of submitting multiple items into an auxiliary table. To submit multiple items, create a listing report of the auxiliary table which displays the fields in the auxiliary table, and then choose the Auxiliary table from the Submit Into drop-down to add items to the table.

To submit items using the Editable Grid:

  1. Open the Editable Grid and select Edit Mode | All transitions.
  2. Choose the project or auxiliary table to submit into by choosing one of the following:
    • Click the Submit item link that is adjacent to the project to submit into.
    • Choose the auxiliary table from the Submit Into drop-down list to create an item.
    • Choose one of your preferred projects from the Submit Into drop-down list to submit into.
    Note: The preferred projects are set at the application level, and they have no relation to the projects selected in the report. If you do not have any preferred projects configured, the Submit Into drop-down is disabled. For information on setting preferred projects, see Specifying Preferred Projects.

    A new row is added to the table where you can complete the fields for the item. If project titles are displayed in the report, the new row will appear under the project that item is submitted into. If you selected to submit into a preferred project that does not appear on the page of displayed results, a project title row is added at the top of the page and the new row is added underneath it. If the report does not display project titles, then the new rows will be added to the top of the displayed page.

    If a required field is empty and it does not appear in the report, the Actions icon changes. Select the Actions and choose Required Fields to display the fields in a pop-up window, where you can enter values for the fields. Note that if the Required Field has a default value, it will not appear in the pop-up window since the value is not empty.

    Important: Although the row appears in the table, the item is not submitted until you select to Save Changes. This means that the only transitions available to the user under Transitions image are Save Changes and Discard Changes. After the item has been submitted by clicking Save Changes, other transitions will be made available.
    Tip: You can submit multiple items by clicking the Submit button repeatedly.
  3. Click Save to submit all new items. Click Discard to discard new items without submitting.

    You can prime or copy item details into a new item from a submitted item by choosing to replicate an item before you submit it. Replicating an item creates a duplicate item based on the information that you have entered. To submit a duplicate item, choose Replicate Item under Item Actions image before saving your submit.

    Replicate is not available when submitting auxiliary items.

    You can submit or discard an individual item by selecting Transitions image and choosing Save Changes or Discard Changes. After you have submitted items and saved your changes, the Submitted drop-down will appear, which will allow you to navigate to items that you have submitted.
    Tip: If you submitted items into preferred projects not on the report, the items will not appear on the report when it is requeried. You can access the new items using the Submitted drop-down.