Forms that can be embedded include:
- Submit forms
- Preferred Project Selection page (requires that user has selected
preferred projects)
- States
- Transitions
Important: Do not embed a submit form on a page that a user
opens frequently, such as home page. Every time that page is loaded with the
submit form, a new temporary record is created in the
SBM database.
This may affect both database storage and performance. Instead the submit form
should be displayed by a user action, such as clicking on a link.
To access the particular URL for a form requires that you either:
- Display the form in your browser and then copy the URL, or
- Copy the URL from a link pointing to the page.
When accessing the URL while the form is displayed, you must copy the
URL from the page properties. Accessing the properties depends on your browser:
- In Internet Explorer, right-click and choose
- In Mozilla Firefox, right-click inside the frame where the form is
displayed and choose
This Frame | This Frame Info.
To copy the URL from a link, right-click on a link to the form and
copy the location. For example, you can right-click on the
Submit to My Preferred Projects link to copy the
URL location.