Searching by Built-in Query

The Built-in query option runs SBM built-in reports for the selected application and the built-in reports based on the auxiliary Contacts table if you have privileges to view items in that table. After running a built-in report, click item links in the report to view detailed information about each item. For more information on built-in reports, refer to Built-in Reports.

To search by built-in query:

  1. From the Search/Reports link, click the Built-in query link. The Search by built-in query form opens.
  2. The Table to Query drop-down list box contains the primary table for the selected application and auxiliary tables you have privileges to access. Depending on the Built-in report you run, selecting an auxiliary table from the Search in Table drop-down list may have no effect on the search.
  3. Select one of the provided built-in reports from the Query Type drop-down list.
  4. Click the Search (built-in query) button at the top or bottom of the form to perform the search.

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