Creating Folders

To create a folder:

  1. Click Folders in the side menu.
  2. To add a folder at the root level, click the Create Folder button. To add a folder as a subfolder, click the Add Subfolder (image) next to the parent folder.
  3. Provide a name for the folder in the Name field.
  4. To allow links to be added to the folder, leave the Allow new items to be added to this folder check box selected. Otherwise, clear the check box.
  5. Optionally, complete the Sharing tab to select users, groups, and teams to share the folder with. For details, refer to Sharing a Folder with Other Users.
  6. Click Save.

About Folder Sharing Capabilities

You are the owner of folders you create. You can share the folder with users, groups, or resource teams and you can designate other users as co-owners, collaborators, contributors, or viewers. You cannot change the primary owner of a folder, however.

The following table lists the shared capabilities for each role.

Role Capabilities
Owner All capabilities.
  • Modify folder properties
  • Modify sharing
  • Delete folder
  • Add links to folder
  • Remove links from folder
  • Add links to folder
  • Remove links from folder
  • Add links to folder
  • View shared folders
Ignore No capabilities.
Note: This role is available only for subfolders. Use this role when you want to remove all capabilities from a user, group, or team that has inherited a role from the parent folder.

Sharing a Folder with Other Users

To share a folder:

  1. Create a new folder or edit a folder that you own or co-own.
  2. On the Sharing tab, select or search for the users, groups, or teams to share the folder with, then click the plus sign to add them to the share list.
  3. By default, each selection is given viewer access. To change the access level, select a row, then choose one of these options:
    • Teams (image)

      Collaborator or Contributor access.

    • Groups (image)

      Collaborator or Contributor access.

    • Users (image)

      Collaborator, Contributor, or Co-owner access.

  4. Select the Send notifications about sharing check box to notify users by e-mail that the folder has been shared with them.
  5. Save your changes.
Folders shared with other users appear in their Shared With Me list under Folders.

In User Workspace, users can find shared folders under Public Folders. Folders that you share will appear in under your Favorites.

Overriding Inherited Sharing Assignments

Subfolders inherit the sharing assignments made in the parent folder. To override these assignments, follow these steps:

  1. Edit a subfolder that you own or co-own. The sharing assignments inherited from the parent folder appear in the Inherited Sharings list.
  2. On the Sharing tab, select or search for the users, groups, or teams that you want to override, then click the plus sign to add them to the share list.
  3. By default, each selection is given viewer access. To change the access level, select a row, then choose one of these options:
    • Teams (image)

      Ignore, Collaborator, or Contributor access.

    • Groups (image)

      Ignore, Collaborator, or Contributor access.

    • Users (image)

      Ignore, Collaborator, Contributor, or Co-owner access.

  4. Select the Send notifications about sharing check box to notify users by e-mail that the folder has been shared with them.
  5. Save your changes.