Transitioning and Updating Primary Items

Items are updated or transitioned from the Item Details view.

To move a primary item through the workflow or to update information in the item:

  1. Locate the item that you want to transition or update by clicking the link for the item on your home page, a search or report results page, or anywhere else in the SBM User Workspace where an item ID link appears.
  2. Click the appropriate transition or update button. The Transition or Update form opens.
    Note: If your administrator set the transition that you selected as a quick transition, the item is moved to a new state automatically and a form does not open unless information is required in a field.
  3. Complete the fields on the Transition or Update form as needed, and then click OK.
    Note: By default, required fields are labeled with red, italicized text with an asterisk next to them. Fields that have green, italicized labels are required fields that have values. Your administrator can modify these labels, however.

Related Topics

Special Transitions for Primary Items

Working With Required Fields

Authenticating Items on Forms