SBM Orchestration Guide → Renew Utility → Renew Commands → -report
Gets information about a particular environment. If you specify no options, only orchestrations are displayed.
Example output with no options:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar renew.jar -report -environment "Default Environment" -username "admin" -password "password" -arAddress "http://localhost:8085" Orchestrations: Issue Defect Management, IDMOrchestrations, AddSCMAssociations OrchestrationTest, SynchOrch, Synch OrchestrationTest, SynchOrch, Asynch OrchestrationTest, SynchOrch, SynchTimeout OrchestrationTest, SynchOrch, SynchFault OrchestrationTest, SynchOrch, AsynchFault OrchestrationTest, SynchOrch, SynchError OrchestrationTest, TestOrch, NewTestOrchWorkflow OrchestrationTest, TestOrch, NewTestOrch2Workflow Incident Management, IncidentOrchestration, CloseChildIncidents Incident Management, IncidentOrchestration, ReOpenChildIncidents Incident Management, IncidentOrchestration, IssueDevelopmentComplete OeOnly, OeOnlyOrch, OrchestrationWorkflow AAS_TEST_1, AAS_One, AAS_OneWorkflow AAS_TEST_1, AAS_SYNC_1, AAS_SYNC_1Workflow2 Change Approval Requests, CAR, IssueDevelopmentComplete Change Approval Requests, CAR, InCABReviewAddReviewerWorkflow Done.
Example output with selected options:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar renew.jar -report "Default Environment" -targetservers -endpoints -processapps -username "admin" -password "password" -arAddress "http://localhost:8085" Target Servers : AE, [Default Application Engine] : http://TEST/gsoap/gsoap_ssl.dll?sbminternalservices72 DS, [Default Event Manager Server] : http://TEST:8085 DS, [Default BPEL Server] : http:// TEST:8085 DS, [test] : http://localhost:8085 Endpoints : RestWrapperService, http:// TEST:8098/restwrapper sbmappservices72, http://TEST:80/gsoap/gsoap_ssl.dll?sbmappservices72 sbmadminservices72, http://TEST:80/gsoap/gsoap_ssl.dllsbmadminservices72 Process Applications : Global Process App (eval) Issue Defect Management Incident Managment Change Approval Requests OrchestrationTest AAS_TEST_1 AEOnly OeOnly Done.
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