Applications → Working with Forms → Customizing Forms → Managing Form Behavior → Using Form Widgets → Using the PDF Widget
Use the PDF widget to provide a PDF document with application data. You can embed the PDF document in a custom form or open it in a new browser window.
The widget includes standard PDF document features, such as printing and saving to file. This means users can have a printed version of application data, and can e-mail a saved version of the PDF document containing the application data to others.
The document presented to users is based on a template added to the PDF widget on your form. You can map fields in your application to fields in the template, or you can provide static values. For guidelines, refer to Field Mapping Rules.
Note that the Adobe Acrobat plug-in is not compatible with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. See the Adobe website for information on which browsers are compatible with the Adobe Acrobat plug-in.
To prevent this, make sure the input field in the template is large enough to accommodate the expected amount of text or an image.
For a sample template, refer to S137510 in the Knowledgebase.
All SBM field types can be used in the PDF widget, except for Summation and Secondary Owner.
To disable rich text, set the RichTextEnabled option to false in the file, located in the following directory:
installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Common\Tomcat x.x\server\default\webapps\DocGenerator\WEB-INF\classes
The following rich text options are supported:
If a non-supported font is used, the PDF widget uses the default font specified in the file. By default, Arial is used.
For plain text output by the PDF widget, you can customize the formatting by editing the file, located in the following directory:
installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Common\Tomcat x.x\server\default\webapps\DocGenerator\WEB-INF\classes
This file contains the HTML tags used in PDF documents and their default values. See the file for instructions on how to customize these values.
To correct these problems, modify or replace the PDF document being used as the template.
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