Applications → Designing Application Reports → About Application Reports
Application reports are listing reports that you define in SBM Composer along with other application artifacts. (Listing reports return textual lists of primary or auxiliary items based on the display, sorting, and search options you select.)
Application reports are a starting point for users to pre-configure regular reports. Users can generate any number of regular reports from a single application report.
Application reports contain all of the settings that are part of a regular listing report. They also contain search criteria and fields that use the "Query at runtime" condition if potential values, such as user information, is not known to SBM Composer. This information is obtained from the users in response to prompts when they run reports.
Project names are based on application workflow names. Application reports are created for base projects from the report definition defined in SBM Composer when the process app is deployed.
Users can run application reports and modify and save them as regular reports, but cannot save them as application reports. Application reports are purely design time artifacts, and to change them you must use SBM Composer and redeploy the changes.
The privilege level for a role determines whether a user can see an application report and is set in SBM Composer when the application is created. The privilege level is a combination of the "Run reports" privileges set for the table, the Privilege category set in the definition of the application report, and table and workflow privileges.
You create an application and need an application report that a user (for example, an administrator in this case) can use to create various regular reports that pertain to the application. Your application report includes an Owner field. You use the "Query at runtime" condition on this field. This means that the administrator is prompted to specify an owner for the report when he or she runs the report. The administrator then saves the report as a regular report, which other users can run.
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