Using Activity Views

Activity views give you easy access to work items based on feeds.

For example, an activity view contains one or more work item feeds, which typically show items that you are currently responsible for. The items may reside in different applications or you may have different responsibilities for each item. By combining multiple work item feeds into a single activity view, you can see all items requiring your action in one place.

When you view activities, information is organized in different categories; you can drill down into each category to see relevant information.

Note: Your privileges determine the items returned in an activity view.

Two types of activity views are available:

You can access activity views from two areas in Work Center:

Navigating Activity Views

The following image shows an activity view that includes three applications before any drill-down actions. Use the legend below the image to learn about the view.


  1. Customizable filters based on fields

    Select view activities by category. For example, select Owner to see how items in the feed are distributed by owner, as shown below. You can further drill into the items by selecting an owner.


    For details on customizing filters, refer to Creating Activity Views and Customizing Filters for Activity Views.

  2. Activity ring

    Shows the total number of items returned in the view, with each color representing the selected filter. In the example above, each color represents how many items are owned by specific users.

  3. Drill-down links

    Click a color in the wheel or in the graph to filter the work item list to that set of items.

  4. Sort menu

    Sort the work item list by fields selected for the view. Default sort fields are last modified date, owner, project, state, submit date, or submitter. When you sort by last modified date or submit date, the most recent items are listed first by default, with the items submitted or modified in the current calendar week listed first.

    For activity views created for the All context or for an application group, you can also sort the list by application.

    If you have added custom fields as filters for specific applications, you can sort by those. Sorting is not available for Multi-Selection, Multi-Relational, Multi-User, or Multi-Group fields.

    Use the arrows to change the order from ascending to descending.

  5. Work item list

    Shows items based on the selected filter and sorting. Colors at the left of each row match those in the activity ring and filters.

    Click an item row to open the item; hover over a row and click the plus (+) sign to expand the row and see additional information. Depending field types shown for each work item, you can click a link to get more information. For example, you can click a link for a User field to open a user's profile card or a link for a relational field to open an auxiliary item.

    To customize the data that is shown for each item, refer to Customizing the Work Item List.

  6. Create new activity

    When you open an activity view from the side menu, you can click this icon to create a new activity view.

  7. Actions menu

    Provides options for working with the view. Options may include: Edit Activity, E-mail a Link, and Copy Activity URL to Clipboard.

  8. Refresh

    Click to refresh the view.

  9. Add as a favorite

    Click the star icon to mark the view as a favorite and add it to your side menu.

Navigating the Drill-down View

Additional options are available when you drill-down into an application or your view only includes one application, as shown in the following figure. Use the legend below the image to learn about these options.


  1. Back

    Navigate back to the full activity view.

  2. Group Update

    Click to update or transition multiple items at once. For details, refer to Using the Mass Update Feature.