Notification Subscriptions for Users and Groups

Use the Notifications page to subscribe one or more users or groups to notifications. You can subscribe users to notifications when you are editing user or group accounts, but the users and groups must be allowed to subscribe to the notification. For details, refer to Notification Subscriptions.

Note: Users or groups with External product access cannot be subscribed to notifications on this page, but you can specify that they always receive certain notifications. To do so, edit the notification and select the Subscribe option for the External user or group.

Finding and Sorting Notifications

By default, notifications are sorted alphabetically by name and may be listed across multiple pages. System-provided notifications are initially prepended with the first letter of up to three words from the workflow name.

To navigate the list:

Subscription Options

The following options are available on the Notifications page when you are editing user or group accounts:
  • Include a Link to the Item

    For user accounts, select this check box to include a link to the item in e-mail notifications that use the $IF(VIEWLINK) e-mail template tag. For details, refer to Notification Tags.

  • Name

    Lists the available notifications available.

  • Users and Groups

    The user or group accounts you are editing are listed. Select the check box for each notification to subscribe to users or groups.

    Note: Users who are members of multiple groups subscribed to a notification receive only one e-mail message per notification per cycle.