E-mail Setup → E-mail Templates → E-mail Template Tags → Base Item Template Tags
Base Item template tags can be used to customize templates used for e-mail submissions, notifications, and e-mails sent from items.
Returns the value of a specified field without the field display name.
Asterisks replace field values for users who do not have permission to view fields included in the message. Fields in the Not Used fields section are not included in the e-mail notification.
Returns a text link to the primary or auxiliary item to which the e-mail pertains.
Use the $LINK() tag without additional parameters for text templates.
Returns custom header information.
Use to add information to the e-mail header. For example, you can return sender information in the header. This enables you to change the sender of an e-mail that is sent from an item.
For best results, use both the header name and header value parameters, as shown in the sample below.
Use to indicate message headers.
Use to indicate body headers.
Use to label header data.
Use to provide header data.
$MAILHEADERPARAM(MSG_SENDER, admin@acme.com) $MAILHEADERPARAM(BDY_SENDER, admin@acme.com) $BEGINSUBJECT()$USERSUBJECT() $TTID()$ENDSUBJECT() <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> </head> <body><div><span style="line-height: 1.42857;">$STRING(IDS_EMAIL_NOTEFROM) $SENTBY()$STRING(IDS_EMAIL_ABOUT) $ITEMNUMBER() </span><br></div> <br> $USERBODY() <br> <br> $STRING(IDS_EMAIL_TOVIEW) $ITEMTYPENAME(): $LINK() </body> </html>
Inserts an item link that opens the item in either the SBM or SRC mobile app.
Use the $MOBILELINK() tag without additional parameters for text templates.
The tag inserts the appropriate URL (sbmmobile:// or srcmobile://) depending on the link type you select in a notification.
Returns the database ID for the primary or auxiliary item to which the e-mail pertains.
Useful for providing users with the internal identifier for specific items.
Returns the logical field name for specific system fields.
Useful for providing a label in the message for system field names that may be different in various applications.
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