SBM Field Types

The following table describes the field types that SBM provides. Your available fields depend on your privileges and settings.

Field type



Binary/Trinary fields store two values or three values. Binary fields appear on forms as a drop-down list containing two values, as radio buttons that allow you to select one value or the other, or as a check box that you select or clear. Trinary fields appear as a drop-down list containing three values or as radio buttons that allow you to select one of three values when you submit, update, or transition items. Binary/Trinary fields are also used to define subtask status.


Date/Time fields store date and time values in the DBMS native date data type. Values for Date/Time fields set to record time only or elapsed time are stored as integers.

Text next to these fields indicates the format to use when you type dates and times into the fields. A Calendar pop-up window is available with most Date/Time fields for submitting, transitioning, or updating items. Click the calendar and select a date to populate the field. To populate the field with time, you must type the time in the hh:mm:ss format. You can also type in special Date/Time keywords as values.

The system interprets modified Julian dates in Date/Time fields that are not set as elapsed time fields. For example, if you enter 09092008 into a Date field, the date is saved as 04/16/1970. The date entered was interpreted as a modified Julian date, which is seconds since January 1, 1970.

Your administrator can configure Date/Time fields with the following options:

  • Elapsed Time stores a value that represents an elapsed time in hours, minutes, and seconds, if your administrator has chosen to display seconds. If you enter an integer such as 10 in the field, it is interpreted as 10 hours. If you separate integers by colons (00:00), they are interpreted as hrs:mins. If you separate integers by two colons (00:00:00), they are interpreted as hrs:mins:secs.

  • Calculate Days works with Elapsed Time and calculates the number of days from the total number of hours and displays the value using the format d hh:mm:ss. If you enter an integer such as 50 in the field, it is interpreted as hours, calculated into days, and the value appears as 2 2:00:00, if your administrator has chosen to display seconds. This feature can be used with the Stopwatch option, which displays elapsed time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds when a form is open. Elapsed days do not appear until at least a full day has elapsed.

  • Stopwatch records elapsed time. The stopwatch starts recording time when you open a form for submitting, transitioning, or updating an item. It does not record time while in view mode; it only appears as Elapsed Time. If the Stopwatch field is read-only or in a section of the SBM User Workspace that you cannot view, the timer still records elapsed time while the form is open. If you cancel the action or reset the form, the time that elapsed while the form was open is not saved.


Folder fields link primary and auxiliary items to a specified folder. Select the folder that contains the primary item or auxiliary item from a drop-down list. If Value Find is enabled for a Folder field, you can search for folders.


Use Multi-Group fields to select more than one group to associate with an item. If Value Find is enabled for a Multi-Group field, search for groups. If numerous groups appear, another selection box appears to the right, enabling you to select and move multiple groups with the right arrow button.


Use Multi-Relational fields to select more than one value to associate with a particular primary or auxiliary table. Relational fields set up relationships between the different tables. If searching is enabled for a Multi-Relational field, you can choose between using the Value Find or Relational Field Value Lookup to find values for the field. If numerous fields appear, another selection box appears to the right, enabling you to select and move multiple fields with the right arrow button.


Use Multi-Selection fields to select more than one value for the field. If Value Find is enabled for a Multi-Selection field, you can search for values. If numerous values appear, another selection box appears to the right, enabling you to select and move multiple values with the right arrow button.


Use to select more than one user for the field. Depending on administrative settings, you may also be able to select groups or members of groups.

If Value Find is enabled for a Multi-User field, you can search for users. If numerous users appear, another selection box appears to the right, enabling you to select and move multiple users with the right arrow button.


Numeric fields contain integer values, fixed precision values, or decimal (floating point) numbers. Your system administrator determines the type of data accepted for Numeric fields, but SBM allows the following minimum and maximum range of values:

  • Integer - The maximum positive integer accepted is 2147483643; the minimum negative integer accepted is -999999999.

  • Floating point - The maximum and minimum accepted range of values are determined by the SBM server hardware.

  • Fixed precision - The maximum and minimum accepted range of values are determined by the SBM server hardware.

Note: SBM respects the regional option set for your computer. For example, if your regional option is "Czech," a comma is used instead of a decimal point.

Single Relational

Use Single Relational fields to select one value to associate with a particular primary or auxiliary table. If searching is enabled for a Multi-Relational field, you can choose between using the Value Find or Relational Field Value Lookup to find values for the field.

Single Selection

Use Single Selection fields to select one value for the field. Depending on settings made by your administrator, select the value you want to associate with the item from a drop-down list. If Value Find is enabled for a Single Selection field, you can search for values.


Sub-Relational fields display a value associated with the main Single Relational field. An example of a Sub-Relational field might be a phone number or e-mail address for a contact if the main Single Relational field is a contact.


Use Summation fields to sum the values of other fields. Sum integer or Single Selection fields, as determined by your administrator. When you use Single Selection fields, the weight of the selection is used in the calculation. The default value for Summation fields is set to Auto, which enables the calculation to take place after a specific transition or update. If the field is not set as read-only, you can override the intended calculation by providing a value.


Text fields can be fixed-length fields, memo fields (the length of which varies by DBMS) or journal fields. Memo fields store information such as descriptions, work-around notes, and investigation notes.

Journal fields automatically insert a date/time and user ID when edited. The system administrator determines if previously entered text can be edited. The administrator also determines if Journal entries appear from newest to oldest or from oldest to newest.

You can use a Rich Text Editor to apply basic formatting for certain Text fields.


User fields contain process app users designated as selections for a particular field. Select the user that you want to associate with the item from a drop-down list. User fields can be used to determine ownership of primary items. If Value Find is enabled for a Multi-Selection field, you can search for users.

Related Topics

Using the Value Find

Using Date/Time Keywords