Finding Items → Using Search Features → Finding Field Values → Using the Value Find
You can use the Value Find to search for values for selection-type fields, such as Folder, Single Relational, Multi-Relational, Single Selection, Multi-Selection, and User fields. When this feature is enabled, a search icon is available next to fields.
Depending on settings made by your administrator, Value Find may be available on Submit, Transition, and Update forms, Search forms, the Advanced Lookup Tool, query-at-runtime forms for reports, and in the Field Specification area of reports using basic conditions. The Value Find is also used when you search for a report author on the Find a Report page.
Consider the following information when you use the Value Find:
When you use the Value Find feature in the Lookup form, Advanced Search, Advanced Lookup Tool, Relational Field Value Lookup, or when searching for a report author, you can search repeatedly to select multiple values for selection-type fields. For example, you can type one value, such as Bug Report, and then perform the search. Then, type a second value, such as Change Request, and then search again. Both values, if available, are selected for the field.
When searches are performed on Dependent fields, the results are based on the parameters or values entered for all fields. The fields are not searched independently.
Relational fields that pull values from a primary or auxiliary table provide an advanced Value Find. If an additional search icon with appears next to the search icon, you can click it to open the Relational Field Value Lookup form. For details, refer to Using Relational Field Value Lookup.
For details about using wildcard characters in the Value Find, refer to Using Wildcard Characters in Searches.
To use the Value Find, perform the following steps:
When you are searching single-relational fields and the relational field's display value is a concatenation of two (or more) field values, you must use quotation marks when you search for a value of one of the concatenated fields that contains spaces. For example, if the single-relational field value that you are searching for is Project Acme Version One, and this value is a bound value of two fields, Project Acme and Version One, you would enter the following in Find: "Project Acme" "Version One".
If you do not use quotes, the Find treats string components demarcated by spaces as separate column values, meaning that entering Project Acme searches the first bound field value for Project and the second field value for Acme. Your results will be None since the second field value is Version One and does not contain the letters Acme.
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