Importing Data Into Your Database → Preparing to Import Data → Data Import Order
You can use Import Option Sets to define the order in which data from different tables should be imported into SBM. For details, refer to Working With Import Option Sets.
The order in which you import data is important due to the relational nature of the SBM database. For example, you should import data into supporting auxiliary tables before importing data into primary tables if you need to import more than identifying text labels into the supporting auxiliary tables.
The following scenarios describe why you may or may not choose to import supporting data into auxiliary tables before importing data into primary tables:
You need only a "title" identifier. If your source data contains a text or choice field that contains information you want to move to a Relational field in SBM, you may want to create the relational auxiliary table in the receiving database, create the Relational field for your workflow, and map the Text or Selection field to the new Relational field. The wizard creates new items in the auxiliary table, but only the system Title field is populated.
For example, if you want to establish a Company relational field in your workflow and the source data is stored in a Tracker Choice field or a Text field from another database, you can create a Company Relational field in your workflow that points to the system Companies table. When you import data, map the source Company field to the SBM Company field. SBM attempts to match the incoming text to the system Title field of the Companies table and sets up the correct relationships between the imported primary items and the Companies table. You can later manually add information to each Company record in the Companies table.
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