Working With Items → Using the Editable Grid → Transitioning Items with the Editable Grid
The All transitions mode enables you to select from available transitions for an item and also submit items.
To use the All transitions mode, open the Editable Grid and select the All transitions option.
The following screenshot and list describe the actions on this screen.
Switch between Update only and All transitions modes.
If the report contains results from multiple projects, select a project to navigate to items in that project.
Save or discard any unsaved changes in all edited items. This includes transitioning items and creating new items.
Create a new item by clicking the Submit Item link next to the project you want to submit into, or select a project from the Submit Into list.
See Submitting Items in the Editable Grid for details.
Transition an item by selecting it and then selecting an available
transition from the list that appears. If the transition contains required
fields that are empty and are not contained in your report, an error icon:
appears, indicating that there are required fields that
need values. Select
Required Fields from the
Actions list. The
Edit Fields dialog box opens, and you can enter
the values as needed.
To update an item, select the Update transition and edit the fields as you would in the Update Only mode.
Click the arrow next to an item to open the Actions list. From there, you can add notes, URLs, files, and links to an item. You can also send e-mail, view an item, and view an item's state change history.
When an item is locked for editing, additional options enable you to edit all fields in the item (not just the report) and view differences.
Resize rows and columns by dragging row and column separators, and click column headings to sort items.
Choose from report options, depending on your privileges. The Back to Listing option exits the Editable Grid.
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