Tutorial: Creating an Empty Asynchronous Orchestration Workflow for the Compensate Step


You performed the steps in Tutorial: Creating a Practice Process App for Fault Handling.

You use the Compensate step in combination with nested Scope steps. The Web services or actions defined in the Compensate step should compensate or roll back whatever was done in the main part of the inner nested Scope step. This is particularly useful if these actions have taken some time to complete.

In this exercise, you add an empty asynchronous orchestration workflow to the FaultHandlingOrch in the FaultHandlingProcApp.

To create an empty asynchronous orchestration workflow that uses the Compensate step:

  1. In App Explorer, under Application Workflows, click CompensateAWF.
  2. In the application workflow editor, right-click the DemoCompensate transition, and then select Show Actions.
  3. On the Actions tab of the Property Editor, click New.

    The Action Wizard opens and asks, "Which type of action do you want to execute?"

    Under Step 1, Orchestration Workflow should be selected and Step 2 should read Invoke and orchestration workflow and continue executing (asynchronous) using the local event.

  4. Click Next.

    The Action Wizard asks, "What do you want to affect?"

    Under Step 1, This item should be selected and Step 2 should read Invoke an orchestration workflow and continue executing (asynchronous) using the local event, affect this item.

  5. Click Next.

    The Action Wizard asks, "Which condition do you want to check?"

    Under Step 1, Unconditionally should be selected and Step 2 should still read Invoke an orchestration workflow and continue executing (asynchronous) using the local event, affect this item.

  6. Click Next.

    The Action Wizard asks, "Which orchestration workflow to you want to invoke?"

  7. Under Step 1, select (Add new workflow…).

    NewDemoCompensateWorkflow appears under Step 1 and should be selected. Step 2 should read Invoke an orchestration workflow and continue executing (asynchronous) using the local event, affect this item | invoke event (FaultHandlingPTable:CompensateAWF_New_DemoCompensate).

    SubmitGetTickerSymbolWorkflow appears below ThrowSyncOWF under Orchestration Workflows in App Explorer.

  8. Click Finish.
  9. Click NewDemoCompensateWorkflow, and then, on the General tab of the Property Editor, change the Name to CompensateOWF.

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Tutorial: Creating a Practice Process App for Fault Handling