Types of Administrators

The following types of administrators are available:

System Administrators

In on-premise systems, system administrators typically perform installation, upgrade, and system configuration tasks. They typically can modify any application in the system, perform deployment and promotion activities for all runtime environments, and control the access of all users in the system.

For best results, on-premise systems should have at least one primary system administrator with the product access and privileges listed below.

Note: When you use the Create Database Wizard in SBM System Administrator to establish your SBM database, you must specify an account for a primary system administrator. This administrator is given Regular User product access and the Remote Administration privilege. You can then log in to SBM Application Administrator and grant additional privileges to this account.
  • ODBC Access - Some administrative tasks can only be performed when an administrator uses ODBC to connect to SBM System Administrator. This access level requires an ODBC System DSN on the administrator's computer pointing to the proper data source and access to the database. For details, refer to the SBM System Administrator Guide.
  • Product-access Level — Grant Regular User product access to system administrators, along with the Remote Administration system privilege.
    This combination offers full administrative access to your system. Because of this, use caution when granting the Remote Administration privilege to users.
  • User Privileges — For best results, grant all user privileges to the system administrator. Without specific application-level privileges, system administrators can administer applications, but they cannot use these applications in user interfaces, such as Serena Work Center and SBM User Workspace. For details, refer to About Privileges.
  • Repository Privileges - For best results, grant all repository privileges to the primary system administrator. For details, refer to the SBM Application Repository Guide.

Managed Administrators

Managed administrators are typically granted access to specific applications. For example, you may want someone who can add projects or create notifications for a specific application, but not for every application in your system.

Managed administrators should be granted privileges depending on the tasks they will perform. For example:

Application Configuration Tasks - Managed administrators who will only modify applications from SBM Application Administrator should be granted the following access and privileges:
  • Managed Administration Product Access
  • Remote Administration user privilege - Allows managed administrators to connect to SBM Application Administrator, to the SBM System Administrator (using remote administration), and to SBM Application Repository.
  • Application-specific privileges - Managed administrators should be granted project, workflow, field, group, and table privileges specific to the applications they manage. For details, refer to Administrative Privileges.
    Tip: Do not grant the Global Administration privilege to managed administrators. This privilege is located on the Administration - System page.

Design, Deployment, and Configuration Tasks - Managed administrators who will design process apps and applications in SBM Composer, deploy them to the SBM Application Engine, and configure them in SBM Application Administrator need the following access and privileges:

  • Managed Administration Product Access
  • Remote Administration user privilege - Allows managed administrators to connect to SBM Application Administrator, to the SBM System Administrator (using remote administration), and to SBM Application Repository.
  • Application and Deployment Privileges - Managed administrators should be granted the privileges described in Privileges Required for Application Configuration, Deployment, and Promotion. Managed administrators who will perform promotion activities should be granted promotion-related privileges.
  • Repository privileges - Managed administrators need repository privileges for specific process app tasks. For details, refer to the SBM Application Repository Guide.

Global Managed Administrators

Global managed administrators are responsible for certain portions of an SBM system. They are able to manage other administrators and have extended deployment and environment capabilities.

Global managed administrators should be granted the same privileges as managed administrators, along with the Global Administration privilege. The Global Administration privilege works in conjunction with other administrative privileges, such as Edit Users and administrative privileges over specific groups.

The Global Administration privilege also allows administrators with applicable deployment privileges to add applications to an environment. Administrators must also have applicable privileges granted on the Administration - Deployment page.

They can also clear the Common Log history in SBM Application Repository.

Additionally, global administrators in on-premise systems can:
  • In SBM Application Repository, delete environments on any host when connected to the database that is the primary host for your system.
  • Modify settings on the System Settings dialog box in SBM System Administrator.
  • Import and update users and contacts into this system using the LDAP Setup and Tools dialog box in SBM System Administrator. Administrators must be granted the Alter Server Settings privilege to specify LDAP server connection and search filter parameters.
  • Configure SourceBridge user setting overrides in SBM System Administrator.