SBM Orchestration Guide → Raising Events Using JMS Queues → Testing the Event Manager Queue Adapter → Sending a Message to the Test Queue
You have established a JMS connection on your local machine and created a JMS listener for test queue D.
Follow the step in this section to send a message (the contents of the emqa_test_msg.xml file) to test queue D.
To send a message to the test queue:
The JMX Agent View Localhost page opens.
The EMQA Test Service opens on the JMX MBean View page. Note that the values of the MBean attributes have been provided for you.
Parameter | Value |
xmlFilename | The path of the test message file. The contents of this file, emqa_test_msg.xml, are the JMS message to be sent to the test queue. The file is located in the installDir\Common\jboss405\server\default\deploy\emqa-testapp-10.1-SNAPSHOT.sar folder. You might want to copy the file to the root of one of your local drives so the path name is shorter, for example, C:\emqa_test_msg.xml. |
queueName | queue/D |
limit | 1 |
The JMX MBean Operation Result sendXmlMessage() page opens, which should contain the contents of the test XML file preceded by 1 Message(s) sent. If the contents are preceded by an error message or if the page does contain the contents of the file, go to Troubleshooting.
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