Using SBM Composer with Other SBM Components

SBM Composer is can be used independent of runtime environments to design process apps, but several SBM runtime components play a role in activating process apps for users:

Application Repository

Along with managing deployment to SBM runtime environments, Application Repository provides basic storage, versioning, and patching capabilities that allow for collaborative development. After you create or modify a process app in SBM Composer, you can check it in to the repository, where other designers can open it and check out design elements they need to modify.

To open the repository, click the Application Repository button on the Deployment tab of the ribbon. If SBM Composer is not connected to a runtime environment, use this URL: http://serverName:port/mashupmgr.

Application Administrator

Used to configure applications with runtime data, such as role assignments for users and groups, after process apps are deployed. SBM's "quick administrator" feature simplifies this process by creating a project for each workflow and default notifications when a process app is first deployed. Also, the person who deploys a process app for the first time is automatically assigned to all roles.

For a list of tasks performed in Application Administrator compared to SBM Composer, refer to Comparison: SBM Composer and SBM Application Administrator.

To open Application Administrator, use this URL: http://serverName/tmtrack/tmtrack.dll?StdPage&Template=newwebadmin/index.html.

End-user Interfaces

SBM has multiple Web interfaces that enable users to interact with process apps designed in SBM Composer:
  • Serena Work Center – A simplified end-user interface. Users can access the Work Center by opening the following URL:
  • SBM User Workspace – The legacy end-user interface. Users can access the User Workspace by opening the following URL:
    This URL opens the user's preferred application and home page report or the Launch page, depending on the user's preferences.
    Note: To access the User Workspace from SBM Composer, click the User Workspace button on the Deployment tab of the ribbon. SBM Composer must first be connected to a runtime environment.
  • Serena Request Center – A portal that enables users to submit requests and access knowledge management items. Users can access the Request Center by opening the following URL:
    Note: Serena Request Center is only available if you install and configure Serena Orchestrated Ops.