Deleting JMS Connections and Listeners

You can delete one or more JMS listeners or all of the listeners on a particular JMS server. You can also delete the connection to a JMS server, which will also delete all of the listeners for that server.

To delete JMS connections and listeners:

  1. If you want to delete a single JMS listener, perform these steps:
    1. Under java.lang.String removeListener(), enter the name of the JMS server in the ParamValue column of the hostName parameter.
    2. Enter the name of the JMS queue in the ParamValue column of the queueName parameter. Note that queueName must be in the form "queue/queueName."
    3. Click Invoke. The message "Removed listener hostNamequeueNameMdb from JBoss.xml and ejb-jar.xml" should appear. If you see an error message, go to Troubleshooting.
    4. Click the Back to MBean View link.
  2. If you want to delete all of the JMS listeners for a particular JMS server, perform these steps:
    1. Under java.lang.String removeListener(), enter the name of the JMS server in the ParamValue column of the hostName parameter.
    2. Leave the ParamValue column of the queueName empty.
    3. Click Invoke. The message "Removed [number of listeners] listeners" should appear. If you see an error message, go to Troubleshooting.
    4. Click the Back to MBean View link.
  3. To delete the connection to a JMS server and all if its associated listeners, perform these steps:
    1. Under java.lang.String removeJmsServer(), enter the name of the server in the ParamValue column of the hostName parameter.
    2. Click Invoke. The message "Removed the JMS provider and all listeners for hostName" should appear. If you see an error message, go to Troubleshooting.
    3. Click the Back to MBean View link.