By default, the following parameters are supplied each time you run
the utility manually or automatically:
- -a deletes data from
version 2008 R2 databases.
- -batchMode deletes the data in batches, instead
of one large transaction. For the first batch, the tool displays the
approximate time required to finish the purge process. The data is purged in
segments of an appropriate number of orchestration workflow instances. This
number is automatically calculated.
Note: It is recommended that you always run the purge utility with
this parameter. It is especially important if you are running the utility for
the first time or have not run it for a long time, because the size of your
database needs to be reduced substantially in those circumstances.
Tip: You can press CTRL + C to terminate the purge
process after the current batch is completely purged.
- -maxDuration 1 specifies that one day must
elapse before processes are considered finished so unexpired data can be
purged. (Unexpired data could be from processes that did not finish normally,
for example, when a user closes the
SBM User Workspace in the middle
of a transaction. It is stale data from unfinished orchestration workflows.)
This value must be a positive integer.
- -verbose specifies that more details about the
purge operation will be returned.
- priorTo 0 specifies that all expired
orchestration workflow data should be purged, regardless of how old the data
is. If you specify another number, then if possible, all data prior to that
number of days ago will be purged. If you specify too small a number, the
potential number of rows to be deleted can be very large and can exceed the
allowed maximum limit. In this case, the tool prompts you to either enter a
larger number or to terminate the process and use batch mode.
This means that when you type only
purge.bat, the
-a -batchMode -maxDuration 1 -verbose -priorTo 0
parameters are automatically supplied and do not need to be passed in the
command line.
The following parameters are not supplied by default: